Before, those were properties of the scene.rendering:
Scene.rendering.fog // fog type
Scene.rendering.fogColor, fogStart, fogEnd, fogDensity
Now these are in its dedicated FogParams module, available on the Scene:
Scene.fog.color, start, end, density
The fog can be also overriden on the CameraComponent, where FogParams instance can be assigned:
CameraComponent.fog = new ForParams();
CameraComponent.fog.type = ..;
CameraComponent.fog.start = ..;
Other changes
RenderParams class has been removed, and instead:
new private CameraShaderParams class has been created. This is used to pass all camera related rendering properties to shader generation / used to pick the appropriate shader.
Breaking changes:
gammaCorrection and toneMapping
Before, those were properties of the scene.rendering:
But these are now per camera:
Fog parameters
Before, those were properties of the scene.rendering:
Now these are in its dedicated FogParams module, available on the Scene:
The fog can be also overriden on the CameraComponent, where FogParams instance can be assigned:
Other changes