playfultechnology / audio-guestbook

The "audio guestbook" is a converted telephone handset that guests can use to leave recorded messages at weddings and parties
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Greeting message loops infinitely. #138

Open AnxiemeMusic opened 3 months ago

AnxiemeMusic commented 3 months ago

I managed to get my phone working and recording great. My issue came when I added in my greeting message. When I pick up the phone now it just plays back the message over and over. Almost like the loop does not realize it has been satisfied.









include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes

// DEFINES // Define pins used by Teensy Audio Shield

define SDCARD_CS_PIN 10


define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 14

// And those used for inputs

define HOOK_PIN 0



// GLOBALS // Audio initialisation code can be generated using the GUI interface at // Inputs AudioSynthWaveform waveform1; // To create the "beep" sfx AudioInputI2S i2s2; // I2S input from microphone on audio shield AudioPlaySdWavX playWav1; // Play 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM greeting WAV file AudioRecordQueue queue1; // Creating an audio buffer in memory before saving to SD AudioMixer4 mixer; // Allows merging several inputs to same output AudioOutputI2S i2s1; // I2S interface to Speaker/Line Out on Audio shield AudioConnection patchCord1(waveform1, 0, mixer, 0); // wave to mixer AudioConnection patchCord3(playWav1, 0, mixer, 1); // wav file playback mixer AudioConnection patchCord4(mixer, 0, i2s1, 0); // mixer output to speaker (L) AudioConnection patchCord6(mixer, 0, i2s1, 1); // mixer output to speaker (R) AudioConnection patchCord5(i2s2, 0, queue1, 0); // mic input to queue (L) AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1;

// Filename to save audio recording on SD card char filename[15]; // The file object itself File frec;

// Use long 40ms debounce time on both switches Bounce buttonRecord = Bounce(HOOK_PIN, 40); Bounce buttonPlay = Bounce(PLAYBACK_BUTTON_PIN, 40);

// Keep track of current state of the device enum Mode {Initialising, Ready, Prompting, Recording, Playing}; Mode mode = Mode::Initialising;

float beep_volume = 0.04f; // not too loud :-)

uint32_t MTPcheckInterval; // default value of device check interval [ms]

// variables for writing to WAV file unsigned long ChunkSize = 0L; unsigned long Subchunk1Size = 16; unsigned int AudioFormat = 1; unsigned int numChannels = 1; unsigned long sampleRate = 44100; unsigned int bitsPerSample = 16; unsigned long byteRate = sampleRatenumChannels(bitsPerSample/8);// samplerate x channels x (bitspersample / 8) unsigned int blockAlign = numChannels*bitsPerSample/8; unsigned long Subchunk2Size = 0L; unsigned long recByteSaved = 0L; unsigned long NumSamples = 0L; byte byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4;

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial && millis() < 5000) { // wait for serial port to connect. } Serial.println("Serial set up correctly"); Serial.printf("Audio block set to %d samples\n",AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); print_mode(); // Configure the input pins pinMode(HOOK_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PLAYBACK_BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);

// Audio connections require memory, and the record queue // uses this memory to buffer incoming audio. AudioMemory(60);

// Enable the audio shield, select input, and enable output sgtl5000_1.enable(); // Define which input on the audio shield to use (AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN / AUDIO_INPUT_MIC) sgtl5000_1.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_MIC); //sgtl5000_1.adcHighPassFilterDisable(); // sgtl5000_1.volume(0.95);

mixer.gain(0, 1.0f); mixer.gain(1, 1.0f);

// Play a beep to indicate system is online waveform1.begin(beep_volume, 440, WAVEFORM_SINE); wait(1000); waveform1.amplitude(0); delay(1000);

// Initialize the SD card SPI.setMOSI(SDCARD_MOSI_PIN); SPI.setSCK(SDCARD_SCK_PIN); if (!(SD.begin(SDCARD_CS_PIN))) { // stop here if no SD card, but print a message while (1) { Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card"); delay(500); } } else Serial.println("SD card correctly initialized");

// mandatory to begin the MTP session. MTP.begin();

// Add SD Card // MTP.addFilesystem(SD, "SD Card"); MTP.addFilesystem(SD, "Derrick & Lindsay's Audio guestbook"); // choose a nice name for the SD card volume to appear in your file explorer Serial.println("Added SD card via MTP"); MTPcheckInterval =>get_DeltaDeviceCheckTimeMS();

// Value in dB

// sgtl5000_1.micGain(15); sgtl5000_1.micGain(10); // much lower gain is required for the AOM5024 electret capsule

// Synchronise the Time object used in the program code with the RTC time provider. // See setSyncProvider(getTeensy3Time);

// Define a callback that will assign the correct datetime for any file system operations // (i.e. saving a new audio recording onto the SD card) FsDateTime::setCallback(dateTime);

mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); }

void loop() { // First, read the buttons buttonRecord.update(); buttonPlay.update();

switch(mode){ case Mode::Ready: // Falling edge occurs when the handset is lifted --> 611 telephone if (buttonRecord.fallingEdge()) { Serial.println("Handset lifted"); mode = Mode::Prompting; print_mode(); } else if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) { //playAllRecordings(); playLastRecording(); } break;

case Mode::Prompting:
  // Wait a second for users to put the handset to their ear
  // Play the greeting inviting them to record their message"greeting.wav");    
  // Wait until the  message has finished playing

// while (playWav1.isPlaying()) { while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // Check whether the handset is replaced buttonRecord.update(); buttonPlay.update(); // Handset is replaced if(buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { playWav1.stop(); mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); return; } if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) { playWav1.stop(); //playAllRecordings(); playLastRecording(); return; }

  // Debug message
  Serial.println("Starting Recording");
  // Play the tone sound effect
  waveform1.begin(beep_volume, 440, WAVEFORM_SINE);
  // Start the recording function

case Mode::Recording:
  // Handset is replaced
    // Debug log
    Serial.println("Stopping Recording");
    // Stop recording
    // Play audio tone to confirm recording has ended
  else {

case Mode::Playing: // to make compiler happy

case Mode::Initialising: // to make compiler happy


MTP.loop(); // This is mandatory to be placed in the loop code. }

void setMTPdeviceChecks(bool nable) { if (nable) {>set_DeltaDeviceCheckTimeMS(MTPcheckInterval); Serial.print("En"); } else {>set_DeltaDeviceCheckTimeMS((uint32_t) -1); Serial.print("Dis"); } Serial.println("abled MTP storage device checks"); }


static uint32_t worstSDwrite, printNext;

endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)

void startRecording() { setMTPdeviceChecks(false); // disable MTP device checks while recording


worstSDwrite = 0; printNext = 0;

endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)

// Find the first available file number // for (uint8_t i=0; i<9999; i++) { // BUGFIX uint8_t overflows if it reaches 255
for (uint16_t i=0; i<9999; i++) {
// Format the counter as a five-digit number with leading zeroes, followed by file extension snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", i); // Create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write if (!SD.exists(filename)) { break; } } frec =, FILE_WRITE); Serial.println("Opened file !"); if(frec) { Serial.print("Recording to "); Serial.println(filename); queue1.begin(); mode = Mode::Recording; print_mode(); recByteSaved = 0L; } else { Serial.println("Couldn't open file to record!"); } }

void continueRecording() {


uint32_t started = micros();

endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)

define NBLOX 16

// Check if there is data in the queue if (queue1.available() >= NBLOX) { byte buffer[NBLOXAUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLESsizeof(int16_t)]; // Fetch 2 blocks from the audio library and copy // into a 512 byte buffer. The Arduino SD library // is most efficient when full 512 byte sector size // writes are used. for (int i=0;i<NBLOX;i++) { memcpy(buffer+iAUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLESsizeof(int16_t), queue1.readBuffer(), AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t)); queue1.freeBuffer(); } // Write all 512 bytes to the SD card frec.write(buffer, sizeof buffer); recByteSaved += sizeof buffer; }


started = micros() - started; if (started > worstSDwrite) worstSDwrite = started;

if (millis() >= printNext) { Serial.printf("Worst write took %luus\n",worstSDwrite); worstSDwrite = 0; printNext = millis()+250; }

endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)


void stopRecording() { // Stop adding any new data to the queue queue1.end(); // Flush all existing remaining data from the queue while (queue1.available() > 0) { // Save to open file frec.write((byte)queue1.readBuffer(), AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLESsizeof(int16_t)); queue1.freeBuffer(); recByteSaved += AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t); } writeOutHeader(); // Close the file frec.close(); Serial.println("Closed file"); mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); setMTPdeviceChecks(true); // enable MTP device checks, recording is finished }

void playAllRecordings() { // Recording files are saved in the root directory File dir ="/");

while (true) { File entry = dir.openNextFile(); if (strstr(, "greeting")) { entry = dir.openNextFile(); } if (!entry) { // no more files entry.close(); end_Beep(); break; } //int8_t len = strlen( - 4; // if (strstr(strlwr( + (len - 4)), ".raw")) { // if (strstr(strlwr( + (len - 4)), ".wav")) { // the lines above throw a warning, so I replace them with this (which is also easier to read): if (strstr(, ".wav") || strstr(, ".WAV")) { Serial.print("Now playing "); Serial.println(; // Play a short beep before each message waveform1.amplitude(beep_volume); wait(750); waveform1.amplitude(0); // Play the file; mode = Mode::Playing; print_mode(); } entry.close();

// while (playWav1.isPlaying()) { // strangely enough, this works for playRaw, but it does not work properly for playWav while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav buttonPlay.update(); buttonRecord.update(); // Button is pressed again // if(buttonPlay.risingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { // FIX if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { playWav1.stop(); mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); return; }
} } // All files have been played mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); }

void playLastRecording() { // Find the first available file number uint16_t idx = 0; for (uint16_t i=0; i<9999; i++) { // Format the counter as a five-digit number with leading zeroes, followed by file extension snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", i); // check, if file with index i exists if (!SD.exists(filename)) { idx = i - 1; break; } } // now play file with index idx == last recorded file snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", idx); Serial.println(filename);; mode = Mode::Playing; print_mode(); while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav buttonPlay.update(); buttonRecord.update(); // Button is pressed again // if(buttonPlay.risingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { // FIX if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { playWav1.stop(); mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode(); return; }
} // file has been played mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();
end_Beep(); }

// Retrieve the current time from Teensy built-in RTC time_t getTeensy3Time(){ return Teensy3Clock.get(); }

// Callback to assign timestamps for file system operations void dateTime(uint16_t date, uint16_t time, uint8_t* ms10) {

// Return date using FS_DATE macro to format fields. *date = FS_DATE(year(), month(), day());

// Return time using FS_TIME macro to format fields. *time = FS_TIME(hour(), minute(), second());

// Return low time bits in units of 10 ms. *ms10 = second() & 1 ? 100 : 0; }

// Non-blocking delay, which pauses execution of main program logic, // but while still listening for input void wait(unsigned int milliseconds) { elapsedMillis msec=0;

while (msec <= milliseconds) { buttonRecord.update(); buttonPlay.update(); if (buttonRecord.fallingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 0) Press"); if (buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 1) Press"); if (buttonRecord.risingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 0) Release"); if (buttonPlay.risingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 1) Release"); } }

void writeOutHeader() { // update WAV header with final filesize/datasize

// NumSamples = (recByteSaved8)/bitsPerSample/numChannels; // Subchunk2Size = NumSamplesnumChannels*bitsPerSample/8; // number of samples x number of channels x number of bytes per sample Subchunk2Size = recByteSaved - 42; // because we didn't make space for the header to start with! Lose 21 samples... ChunkSize = Subchunk2Size + 34; // was 36;; frec.write("RIFF"); byte1 = ChunkSize & 0xff; byte2 = (ChunkSize >> 8) & 0xff; byte3 = (ChunkSize >> 16) & 0xff; byte4 = (ChunkSize >> 24) & 0xff;
frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write(byte3); frec.write(byte4); frec.write("WAVE"); frec.write("fmt "); byte1 = Subchunk1Size & 0xff; byte2 = (Subchunk1Size >> 8) & 0xff; byte3 = (Subchunk1Size >> 16) & 0xff; byte4 = (Subchunk1Size >> 24) & 0xff;
frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write(byte3); frec.write(byte4); byte1 = AudioFormat & 0xff; byte2 = (AudioFormat >> 8) & 0xff; frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); byte1 = numChannels & 0xff; byte2 = (numChannels >> 8) & 0xff; frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); byte1 = sampleRate & 0xff; byte2 = (sampleRate >> 8) & 0xff; byte3 = (sampleRate >> 16) & 0xff; byte4 = (sampleRate >> 24) & 0xff;
frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write(byte3); frec.write(byte4); byte1 = byteRate & 0xff; byte2 = (byteRate >> 8) & 0xff; byte3 = (byteRate >> 16) & 0xff; byte4 = (byteRate >> 24) & 0xff;
frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write(byte3); frec.write(byte4); byte1 = blockAlign & 0xff; byte2 = (blockAlign >> 8) & 0xff; frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); byte1 = bitsPerSample & 0xff; byte2 = (bitsPerSample >> 8) & 0xff; frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write("data"); byte1 = Subchunk2Size & 0xff; byte2 = (Subchunk2Size >> 8) & 0xff; byte3 = (Subchunk2Size >> 16) & 0xff; byte4 = (Subchunk2Size >> 24) & 0xff;
frec.write(byte1); frec.write(byte2); frec.write(byte3); frec.write(byte4); frec.close(); Serial.println("header written"); Serial.print("Subchunk2: "); Serial.println(Subchunk2Size); }

void end_Beep(void) { waveform1.frequency(523.25); waveform1.amplitude(beep_volume); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(0); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(beep_volume); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(0); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(beep_volume); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(0); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(beep_volume); wait(250); waveform1.amplitude(0); }

void print_mode(void) { // only for debugging Serial.print("Mode switched to: "); // Initialising, Ready, Prompting, Recording, Playing if(mode == Mode::Ready) Serial.println(" Ready"); else if(mode == Mode::Prompting) Serial.println(" Prompting"); else if(mode == Mode::Recording) Serial.println(" Recording"); else if(mode == Mode::Playing) Serial.println(" Playing"); else if(mode == Mode::Initialising) Serial.println(" Initialising"); else Serial.println(" Undefined"); }`

AnxiemeMusic commented 3 months ago
