Open stolk opened 9 years ago
This still happens with gpg v 2.3 and 11.0.1
From a HUAWEI JDN-W09 device running Android 6.0 and Play Games version 3.9.08
I/swaag ( 6797): Succesfully showed room [ChoKCQj1jOXnmhsQAhABGAEg____________ARCcgPqJ1t6qtHA] (created by Mazaraxx): (null)
I/swaag ( 6797): Participant named Mazaraxx(connected), id p_CJyA-onW3qq0cBAB, status joined
I/swaag ( 6797): Participant named ChewyCombat35727(connected), id p_CPz8kqOx95WhZxAB, status joined
V/GamesNativeSDK( 6797): Received Activity Resume Event.
E/GamesNativeSDK( 6797): Sending reliable message
E/GamesNativeSDK( 6797): Sending reliable message SUCCEEDED
W/GamesServiceBroker( 1768): Client connected with SDK 8487000, Services 11055446, and Games 39080046
I/libjingle( 3678): IbbDataTask::ProcessStart() called:
I/libjingle( 3678): Got Xmpp data back: <ibb:data ibb:seq="1" ibb:sid="0" xmlns:ibb=""/>
I/libjingle( 3678): static void gtalk::LibjingleJniHelper::DispatchIbbSendResult(jobject, const string&, const string&, bool): Dispatch ID:1
I/libjingle( 3678): IbbDataTask::ProcessStart() called:
W/libjingle( 3678): Warning(callregistry.cpp:27): void games_rtmp::CallRegistry::UnregisterCall(const string&, const string&): Attempting to erase non-existent session:3202538182
I/libjingle( 3678): worker_thread:0x00000055b0bc7f60 initialized=1
I/libjingle( 3678): Channel disabled
I/libjingle( 3678): Changing data state, recv=0 send=0
I/libjingle( 3678): Destroyed channel
I/swaag ( 6797): The Connected Set Changed for room id ChoKCQj1jOXnmhsQAhABGAEg____________ARCcgPqJ1t6qtHA, status ACTI. Currently connected: 0
The earliest sign of trouble being: I/libjingle( 3678): Channel disabled
What is the reason for libjingle to disable the channel?
Comparing the logs of a working match versus a disconnected match, I see that the first sign of trouble is actually:
I/RoomServiceStateMachine( 8563): Attempting to reconnect to: p_CL2Ww9b4x7XqKxAB
Is it common for connections to get lost, after the room has been fully connected earlier? Is there any guidance on how to treat this situation? What triggers the reconnecting by RoomServiceStateMachine? Is the source code available for RoomServiceStateMachine?
Occasionally after inviting a friend, a MP match starts and immediately aborts. In the logs I get a libjingle error from about cricket?
This is with gpg v 2.0 on ARM 32bit between two Samsung S5 devices.