Open daxliar opened 9 years ago
Can you try determining which line in the CSV is causing the failure and sharing the offending row?
I get the same error reported by Daxliar. I am using the same p12 and svcAccount arguments. The script works fine with achievements. I inserted a print statement after line 855 in See below
obj_list = self._merge_items(items, 'id')
for i in obj_list:
print i
I ran the tool along with logging_level DEBUG and here is my output. I removed my svcAccount and leaderboard id & any other authentication keys in the log for security reasons.
python --logging_level DEBUG --p12 key.p12 --svcAccount xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx leaderboard insert xxxxxxxxxxxxx --incsv output.csv
authentication done
connect: (, 443)
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{u'scoreOrder': 'LARGER_IS_BETTER', u'scoreMin': '', u'token': '', u'scoreMax': '', u'draft': {u'scoreFormat': {u'currencyCode': '', u'suffix': {u'many': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}, u'two': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}, u'one': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}, u'few': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}, u'zero': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}, u'other': {u'translations': [{u'locale': '', u'value': ''}]}}, u'numberFormatType': 'NUMERIC', u'numDecimalPlaces': '0'}, u'iconUrl': '', u'name': {u'translations': [{u'locale': 'en-US', u'value': 'TopScore test'}]}, u'sortRank': '4'}, u'id': ''}
send: 'POST /games/v1configuration/applications/xxxxxxxx/leaderboards?alt=json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\ncontent-length: 652\r\naccept-encoding: gzip, deflate\r\naccept: application/json\r\nuser-agent: google-api-python-client/1.4.1 (gzip)\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\nauthorization: Bearerxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n\r\n{"scoreOrder": "LARGER_IS_BETTER", "scoreMin": "", "token": "", "scoreMax": "", "draft": {"scoreFormat": {"currencyCode": "", "suffix": {"many": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "two": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "one": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "few": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "zero": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "other": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}}, "numberFormatType": "NUMERIC", "numDecimalPlaces": "0"}, "iconUrl": "", "name": {"translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "value": "TopScore test"}]}, "sortRank": "4"}, "id": ""}'
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 810, in
Hello - its been a while since I posted this log. Any update on this would be greatly appreciated.
Any update on this? Is really frustrating when you have to update manually a lot of leaderboards having many translations...
Oof, I am no longer working on this but can try and find out.
As far as I can tell, the error is occurring because the id is invalid:
{"scoreOrder":"LARGER_IS_BETTER", "scoreMin": "", "token": "", "scoreMax": "", "draft": {"scoreFormat": {"currencyCode": "", "suffix": {"many": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "two": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "one": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "few": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "zero": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}, "other": {"translations": [{"locale": "", "value": ""}]}}, "numberFormatType": "NUMERIC", "numDecimalPlaces": "0"}, "iconUrl": "", "name": {"translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "value": "TopScore test"}]}, "sortRank": "4"}, "id": ""}'
See "id": ""
- that is probably where the proto is not properly compiling. If you drop entries where the id is missing or determine why the id is missing, you can probably prevent this issue.
/FYI @claywilkinson, who I believe originally authored the tool.
Thank you very much @gguuss I've tried in different ways, dropping the entire id column from the csv file or by setting a long value to it or leaving the cell empty but I always get into a problem. In one case it expects the id value as it's mandatory and in all the other cases it keep complaining it ins't a valid value for Long.
After downloading all the leaderboards... python leaderboard update If I try to update the same leaderboard with the same csv just generated I keep getting
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting returned "Invalid value for Long:">
I've used the tool to download and update the achievements without any issue (using the same p12 and svcAccount arguments). I don't get if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong.