playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Found conflicting Android library gpgs-plugin-support #2051

Open jdelange opened 6 years ago

jdelange commented 6 years ago

Trying to compile and run Minimal example as first try on using Google Play Games plugin.

Unity version 2017.2.0f3 Android Studio SDK tools 26.1.1, SDK platform tools 26.0.2 Windows 10

Application does not build, I get following error:

Found conflicting Android library gpgs-plugin-support

Assets/Plugins/Android/gpgs-plugin-support-0.9.42 (managed by the Android Resolver) conflicts with: Assets/GooglePlayGames/Editor/m2repository/com/google/games/gpgs-plugin-support/0.9.42/gpgs-plugin-support-0.9.42.aar

Your application is unlikely to build in the current state.

To resolve this problem you can try one of the following:

  • Updating the dependencies managed by the Android Resolver to remove references to old libraries. Be careful to not include conflicting versions of Google Play services.
  • Contacting the plugin vendor(s) with conflicting dependencies and asking them to update their plugin.

UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) Google.Logger:Log(String, LogLevel) GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:Log(String, LogLevel) GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1:FindAndResolveConflicts() GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey17:<>m29() GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey18:<>m26(List`1) GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey14:<>m1F(Result) GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey15:<>m28() GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:PumpUpdateQueue() UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions()

jdelange commented 6 years ago

Tried: Assets / Play services resolver / Android resolver / Resolve, and then a re-build created the required APK. So this works, but not sure if it is a proper fix.

Quixatocs commented 6 years ago

Re-resolve worked for me too