playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Resolving Android Dependencies Freezes and Fails #2218

Closed Sorgon closed 6 years ago

Sorgon commented 6 years ago

After fresh installation of playgameservices I got stuck with the Android Dependency resolving screen: image

When I close it and start again from Assets->Resolver... ->Force Resolve, I end up with Resolution failure:


UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Google.Logger:Log(String, LogLevel) GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:Log(String, LogLevel) GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1:LogMissingDependenciesError(List1) GooglePlayServices.<DoResolutionUnsafe>c__AnonStorey18:<>m__26(List1) GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey14:<>m1F(Result) GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey15:<>m28() GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:PumpUpdateQueue() UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions()`

Sorgon commented 6 years ago

Solution: Delete folders: GooglePlayGames, PlayServicesResolver, Plugins/Android Create folder: Plugins/Android If you have opened Visual Studio click reload solution in the new window check if deleted folders have not renewed and delete them and go to visual studio reload import googleplayservices package Window -> Google Play Games -> Setup -> Android Setup -> Setup Assets -> Play Services Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve

nikunjkareliya commented 5 years ago

This problem still persists. I'm facing a problem after google admob plugin is imported.

Resolving Android Dependencies - dialog doesn't disappear.

I tried with - Assets -> Play Services Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve

but this is not working in my case

AbbasNarimani commented 5 years ago

If you want to use Google play services and Firebase and you have problem with Android resolver, you can change the build type to Gradle and it would solve your problem. For building in Gradle build sytem, you need to be Connected to the internet for the first time. For those who might be restricted by Google it could be resolved by using a VPN during building proccess. This solved my problem. hope it could be helpful.

deepanshu9549 commented 3 years ago

Here's the solution that worked for me Capture

check both the checkboxes I checked under Build Tab.

M-Ansley commented 1 year ago

Here's the solution that worked for me Capture

check both the checkboxes I checked under Build Tab.

Thank you @deepanshu9549! This helped me too with some AppsFlyer and EDM4U compilation errors I was getting on Android. A little more specifically, I was getting some warnings like:

PlayServicesResolver.cs(line 989): Failed to fetch the following dependencies


PlayServicesResolver.cs(line 989): Failed to parse previous resolution state, running resolution...

Thought I'd just comment that here in case anyone else has some issues when integrating AppsFlyer's Unity package (which, as of now/V6 of the plugin, includes EDM4U)