playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Resolution failed- Failed to fetch the following dependencies (0.9.55) #2384

Open lucid-dreamm opened 5 years ago

lucid-dreamm commented 5 years ago

Hi. I use unity 2018.2.11 and internal build system. I import 0.9.55 plugin and click on resolve.

Resolution failed

` Failed to fetch the following dependencies:[11.0.4][11.0.4][11.0.4]

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Google.Logger:Log(String, LogLevel) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/VersionHandlerImpl/src/Logger.cs:91) GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:Log(String, LogLevel) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/PlayServicesResolver.cs:691) GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1:LogMissingDependenciesError(List1) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:461) GooglePlayServices.cAnonStorey1C:<>m2F(List1) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:1056) GooglePlayServices.<GradleResolution>c__AnonStorey18:<>m__32() (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:702) GooglePlayServices.<ProcessAars>c__AnonStorey1F:<>m__31() (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:1399) Google.RunOnMainThread:ExecutePollingJobs() (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/VersionHandlerImpl/src/RunOnMainThread.cs:286) Google.RunOnMainThread:<ExecuteAll>m__6() (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/VersionHandlerImpl/src/RunOnMainThread.cs:400) Google.RunOnMainThread:RunAction(Action) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/VersionHandlerImpl/src/RunOnMainThread.cs:234) Google.RunOnMainThread:ExecuteAll() (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/VersionHandlerImpl/src/RunOnMainThread.cs:392) UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions()

olehkuznetsov commented 5 years ago

Are you using firebase plugin?

lucid-dreamm commented 5 years ago

I have used the simple minimal project and also empty project. I will use admob and unity iap for my main project and probably it will have problems.

olehkuznetsov commented 5 years ago

Does it works for minimal project? May be you need update admob version too

lucid-dreamm commented 5 years ago

I mean I got the above error in simple project and minimal project. I did not say It was solved :( I did not add admob. If I add it, I will download the latest one.

lucid-dreamm commented 5 years ago

I have "D:\SDK\extras\google\m2repository\com\google\android\gms\" and can see files below. Please help. I have 11.0.4 folders. m2repository is up to date.[11.0.4][11.0.4]

Do I need to change it?

`// // Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //

namespace GooglePlayGames { public class PluginVersion { // older versions, used when upgrading to other versions public const string VersionKeyCPP = "00911"; public const string VersionKeyU5 = "00915"; // patched 0.9.27 version for Unity 5.3 changes. public const string VersionKey27Patch = "00927a";

public const string VersionKeyJarResolver = "00928";
public const string VersionKeyNativeCRM = "00930";

// Using JNI to get spendprobability - so don't delete the Games.cs files.
public const string VersionKeyJNIStats = "00934";

// New and improved jar resolver
public const string VersionKeyJarResolverDLL = "00935";

// Current Version.
public const int VersionInt = 0x0955;
public const string VersionString = "0.9.55";
public const string VersionKey = "00955";

// used to check for the correct min version or play services: 10.2
public const int MinGmsCoreVersionCode = 10200000;

// used to get the right version of dependencies.
public const string PlayServicesVersionConstraint = "10+";

} } `

lucid-dreamm commented 5 years ago

After three days, My problem was solved. I downloaded GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.9.39.unitypackage. It resolved successfully and very fast. I can sign in now. It was weird. Thank you.