playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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[Action Required] Drive API requires updates to your code before Sep 13, 2021 #3055

Closed TheOneVries closed 2 years ago

TheOneVries commented 2 years ago

I just got an email from google with this title, with reference to a project that allegedly makes use of the Drive API. The only way it does that is via this plugin though (by storing save-games), so will this plugin be updated to reflect these required changes?

danijmn commented 2 years ago

I suspect this is a harmless warning for most people using this plugin. I believe anyone who has set up a Google Drive API key for their application is receiving this email. In my case, I had to create a key to enable cloud saves.

According to the email, the changes seem to concern link sharing, which I presume is not used by this plugin. Specifically, they say: "If your application uses the Drive API to access files which have been shared with a user through link sharing, your application may be affected by this change."

Nevertheless, it would be nice to get confirmation from someone at Google or a contributor.

TheOneVries commented 2 years ago

Yes indeed, except I don't have any file sharing via the Drive API. Unfortunately that email doesn't specify how my app seems to be accessing the API, so I'm just guessing it is this plugin (which is the only code that does anything remotely Drive related)

Firemaw commented 2 years ago

I also received this email and use the savegames feature of Play Games Services. I am curious if this will affect my game, or if the plugin needs an update to keep it working. Reply from a dev would be appreciated.

smile616 commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I can confirm that as long as:

no changes needed on your side and the published games will continue to work without any changes.

Sorry for the confusion with wording in the email in question.

Firemaw commented 2 years ago

Thank you @smile616 !

dannykay1 commented 2 years ago

I got the same email. Only thing that I could be using drive api for is the plugin for saved games.