playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Play Games Services v2 SDK: How to obtain IdToken (Open ID Connect ID Token)? #3255

Open scrapHandler opened 1 year ago

scrapHandler commented 1 year ago

With v1 we could specify the scope with RequestIdToken() and could get a "Open ID Connect ID Token" with GetIdToken().

How would we do this with the newest version >= 0.11.01 ?

(I know we now can call RequestServerSideAccess() to get an AuthCode, which we can exchange for an AccessToken/RefreshToken on a server, but I actual need an IdToken)

carlossalasamper commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue here! I'm trying to complete the google auth flow with the server side, but I don't know where is the idToken, since we can't use the normal OAuth operations in server because the request is redirected to the google login page

JiDW commented 11 months ago


We have the same question here. How are we supposed to verify the Player ID on the server side? Can someone answer this please? Right now I've seen multiple threads on the Unity forum that suggest to downgrade to a previous version.

hasanozen commented 9 months ago


We also have same issue. We need to obtain IdToken to complete server side flow.

carlossalasamper commented 9 months ago


We also have same issue. We need to obtain IdToken to complete server side flow.

You have to use the google sign in SDK for unity rather than this