playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Setup correctly but still not working #3267

Open Nixarn opened 9 months ago

Nixarn commented 9 months ago

I've tired everything, can't get it to work. I'm gonna revert to the older SDK for now. I've tried the simples of unity project to narrow down the issue and I've gone over all settings multiple times, tried starting over to make sure I've done it all correctly, but no luck.

The log keeps saying:

09-28 16:08:40.226 6936 14541 E PlayGamesServices[SignInAuthenticator]: **** APP NOT CORRECTLY CONFIGURED TO USE GOOGLE PLAY GAME SERVICES

and it lists up the package name, sha1, and app id and these are correct on the play & google cloud console side.

The problem is we're not getting decent error codes what exactly is wrong just "make sure everything is setup correctly".