playgameservices / play-games-plugin-for-unity

Google Play Games plugin for Unity
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Authentication always failing #582

Closed craiglcnt closed 9 years ago

craiglcnt commented 9 years ago


I followed the instructions to set up google play services, however I get stuck at authentication - It always fails and never signs me in on an of my test devices. I have added my email as a tester in the google play developer console, I have ensured that the bundle identifier and SHA1 fingerprint matches, I have turned on alpha and beta testing, and all the code used is taken directly from this git-post. Whenever i try to sign in i get the green google play games pop-up, and then I get a circular loading bar and then nothing, the authentication always fails. Can I get some help on this? I am really stumped here and i have no idea what else to do...

claywilkinson commented 9 years ago

Can you post a log file of what is happening when you attempt to authenticate?

craiglcnt commented 9 years ago

This is what I got from calling abd logcat >

W/EDMNativeHelper( 2546): EDMNativeHelperService is published E/Volley (13943): [3733] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for ds=id E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): Handling authorization failure E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): Authorization failed: server returned error: Access Not Configured. The API (Drive API) is not enabled for your project. Please use the Google Developers Console to up date your configuration.. See for details. E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at (SourceFile:209) E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at (SourceFile:139) E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at<i nit>(SourceFile:226) E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at a(SourceFile:46) E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut or.runWorker( E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut or$ E/ClientConnectionOperation(13943): at

V/GamesNativeSDK(24111): Play Games callback indicates connection failure. I/GamesNativeSDK(24111): Error connecting to Google Play: code 8. I/Unity (24111): [Play Games Plugin DLL] 06/22/15 22:35:18 -04:00 DEBUG: Star ting Auth Transition. Op: SIGN_IN status: ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED I/Unity (24111): I/Unity (24111): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDe bug.gen.cpp Line: 56) I/Unity (24111): I/Unity (24111): [Play Games Plugin DLL] 06/22/15 22:35:18 -04:00 DEBUG: Invo king user callback on game thread I/Unity (24111): I/Unity (24111): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDe bug.gen.cpp Line: 56) I/Unity (24111): I/Unity (24111): failed I/Unity (24111): I/Unity (24111): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDe bug.gen.cpp Line: 56) I/Unity (24111):

I checked that the API is enabled in google play developer console... based on this log... what could I not be doing?

craiglcnt commented 9 years ago

fixed by enabling the drive API in the console. now i get signed in, however, the app automatically crashes after i am signed in. Any idea why this is happening?

claywilkinson commented 9 years ago

can you post the log of the crash? It is usually the best place to start troubleshooting.

craiglcnt commented 9 years ago

--------- beginning of /dev/log/main

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1

I/Sensors ( 3043): Acc old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 1 en : 1

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

E/EnterpriseContainerManager( 3043): ContainerPolicy Service is not yet ready!!!

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

W/LicenseLogService( 3043): log() is called by non admin

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/ChimeraSrvcProxy(21362): Creating service proxy ComponentInfo{}

D/ChimeraSrvcProxy(21362): Proxying container service ComponentInfo{} to Chimera service impl

D/ChimeraCfgMgr(21362): Loading module from APK

D/ChimeraModuleLdr(21362): Module APK already loaded

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 24000, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutput() returns output 2

D/AudioFlinger( 2559): Creating track with bufferSize 16384 bytes, frameCount 2112, mFrameSize 4

V/AudioFlinger( 2559): Track constructor name 4097, calling pid 6423

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

V/AudioFlinger( 2559): start(4097), calling pid 6423 session 412

V/AudioFlinger( 2559): ? => ACTIVE (4097) on thread 0xb70af4e8

V/LvOutput( 2559): initCheck: 0

V/LvOutput( 2559): attachEffects: attach processing to output 2, stream 3, session 412, mode 0

V/LvOutput( 2559): attachEffects: no output processing needs to be attached to this stream

V/LvOutput( 2559): LvOutput::setAllProcessorEnabled(false) mOutputs.size(0)

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): startOutput() output 2, stream 3, session 412

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): changeRefCount() stream 3, count 1

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getNewDevice() selected device 2

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 force 0 delayMs 0

D/AppStateService(21362): client connected with version: 7571000

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() prevDevice (0002)

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

E/AudioResampler( 2559): Unsupported sample format, 1 bits, 2 channels

I/AudioResampler( 2559): AudioResamplerOrder1::resample common!!!!!

I/AudioResampler( 2559): new common resampler(24000 -> 48000, 2)

I/AudioResampler( 2559): new common resampler(24000 -> 48000, 2, 2)

D/SoundAliveResampler( 2559): [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++

I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): AudioStreamOutALSA::write setDevice

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): OutALSA::setDevice: mode = 0, newDevice=0x2, currentDevice=0x2 ,force= 0

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): OutALSA::setDevice: mDevice 0x2, newDevice = 0x2

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): setOutputVolume

D/TinyUCM ( 2559): setModifier Normal, en=1

I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): OutALSA::setDevice: mHandle NULL mode[0], Device[00000002] nDevice:0

I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): Open:+ mDefaults->direction=0 device=0

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): Channel: 2, Samplerate: 48000, Format: 0, Peroid Size: 960, Period Count: 4

D/ChimeraSrvcProxy(21362): Creating service proxy ComponentInfo{}

D/ChimeraSrvcProxy(21362): Proxying container service ComponentInfo{} to Chimera service impl

D/ChimeraCfgMgr(21362): Loading module from APK

D/ChimeraModuleLdr(21362): Module APK already loaded

I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): Open:- mDefaults->direction=0 device=0 mHandle: b7180eb8

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): setPcmInterface: Stream=0x1, iSamplerate=16000++

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): setPcmInterface--

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

V/AuthAccountOperation(21362): offline access is not requested; requesting access token

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1307 Removed TignInActiv (13/15)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1307 Removed TignInActiv (-2/15)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

I/GLSUser ( 3652): [GLSUser] getTokenFromCache: [account: ELLIDED:16653, callingPkg: com.Kadi.Flip, service: oauth2:]

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/PhoneStatusBar( 3334): Status bar WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN

V/AuthAccountOperation(21362): access token request successful

V/AuthAccountOperation(21362): offline access is not requested; requesting access token

I/GLSUser ( 3652): [GLSUser] getTokenFromCache: [account: ELLIDED:16653, callingPkg: com.Kadi.Flip, service: oauth2:]

V/AuthAccountOperation(21362): access token request successful

I/GLSUser ( 3652): [GLSUser] getTokenFromCache: [account: ELLIDED:16653, callingPkg:, service: oauth2:]

I/Auth.Core( 3652): [TokenCache] Missing snowballing token: no granted scopes set.

I/GLSUser ( 3652): [GLSUser] getTokenFromCache: [account: ELLIDED:16653, callingPkg: com.Kadi.Flip, service: oauth2:]

D/dalvikvm( 6423): Note: class Lcom/google/android/gms/games/internal/IGamesService$Stub; has 202 unimplemented (abstract) methods

V/GamesNativeSDK( 6423): Play Games callback indicates connection.

I/GamesNativeSDK( 6423): Successfully connected to Google Play.

I/Unity ( 6423): [Play Games Plugin DLL] 06/30/15 2:12:55 -04:00 DEBUG: Starting Auth Transition. Op: SIGN_IN status: VALID

I/Unity ( 6423):

I/Unity ( 6423): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebug.gen.cpp Line: 56)

I/Unity ( 6423):

D/dalvikvm(21362): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1963K, 22% free 20793K/26388K, paused 11ms+5ms, total 73ms

D/dalvikvm(21362): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 17ms

D/dalvikvm(21362): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 18ms

D/dalvikvm(21362): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 23ms

E/GamesNativeSDK( 6423): Exception in com/google/android/gms/games/snapshot/Snapshots.load: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot use snapshots without enabling the 'Saved Game' feature in the Play console.

D/AccountUtils(21362): Clearing selected account for com.Kadi.Flip

W/GamesNativeSDK( 6423): Could not automatically seed snapshot cache.

E/GamesNativeSDK( 6423): Exception in com/google/android/gms/games/achievement/Achievements.load: java.lang.SecurityException: Not signed in when calling API.

D/dalvikvm( 6423): [SWE] ### S.LSI JIT optimization list BEGIN ###

D/dalvikvm( 6423): [SWE] ### S.LSI JIT optimization list END ###

F/libc ( 6423): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 6482 (main_dispatch)

I/DEBUG ( 2554): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I/DEBUG ( 2554): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/ja3gub/ja3g:4.4.2/KOT49H/I9500UBUFNG1:user/release-keys'

I/DEBUG ( 2554): Revision: '10'

I/DEBUG ( 2554): pid: 6423, tid: 6482, name: main_dispatch >>> com.Kadi.Flip <<<

I/DEBUG ( 2554): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): r0 00000000 r1 6dc992c0 r2 00000000 r3 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): r4 00000000 r5 7f75fc04 r6 6dc992c0 r7 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): r8 00000000 r9 7f75fcc4 sl 7f75fcd0 fp 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): ip 00000001 sp 7f75fbb0 lr 4178d797 pc 4178d79a cpsr 60070030

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d0 0000000000000000 d1 676e696c6c616341

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d2 6f4e203a6e6f6950 d3 64656e6769732049

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d4 4000000000000000 d5 c0ed4c0000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d6 c20bf08e33000000 d7 43dfffffff207b8e

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d8 408f400000000000 d9 412e848000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d10 43e0000000000000 d11 43b3ec6f4f7b1429

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d16 ffffffffffffffeb d17 000000000000000b

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d18 0000000000000000 d19 3c1ef9023c1ef902

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d20 3d0247e63dbe9b33 d21 412bea243f7ffffe

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d22 0000000000000000 d23 3f80000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d24 000000003eb60b61 d25 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d26 3e4ccccd00000000 d27 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d28 0000000000000000 d29 000000003b031c80

I/DEBUG ( 2554): d30 0000000000000000 d31 3f800000bf7b0837

I/DEBUG ( 2554): scr 8000001b

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): backtrace:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #00 pc 0004d79a /system/lib/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #01 pc 000a41eb /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #02 pc 0008bcb9 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): stack:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb70 7f64090c /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb74 7f554a13 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb78 7f75fb90 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb7c 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb80 7f655998 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb84 7f75fbac [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb88 41800974

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb8c 7f75fbbc [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb90 7f75fc04 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb94 4178a5bb /system/lib/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb98 7d00d008

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb9c 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fba0 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fba4 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fba8 df0027ad

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbac 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #00 7f75fbb0 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbb4 7d20d398

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbb8 7f56b179 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbbc 7d00d008

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbc0 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbc4 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbc8 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbcc 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbd0 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbd4 4178d77b /system/lib/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbd8 7f6408fa /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbdc 7f56d1ed /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #01 7f75fbe0 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbe4 7f75fc04 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbe8 7f75fc18 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbec 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbf0 7f75fc38 [stack:6482]

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbf4 7d20d3a8

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbf8 00000002

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbfc 7f554cbd /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc00 7f64090c /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc04 1d300015

I/DEBUG ( 2554): #02 7f75fc08 7f640892 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc0c 1d2006de

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc10 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc14 7f5626b3 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc18 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc1c 7f65f648

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc20 47400001 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc24 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc28 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc2c 7f65f378

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc30 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc34 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc38 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc3c 7f65ee78

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc40 1d300015

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc44 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r1:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992a0 000021fb 7798bd59 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992b0 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992c0 42c426b8 00000501 00020005 00020000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992d0 779c7353 73852160 0000185e 77989d8e

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992e0 00000000 00000000 417a61cd 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992f0 00000000 00000000 42c426b8 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99300 00050006 00050000 779c7353 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99310 0000185f 77989fff 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99320 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99330 00000000 0000003c 42c42930 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99340 00010000 00010000 779ae31a 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99350 00000791 7791a3e6 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99360 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99370 00000000 0000003c 42c42bc8 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99380 00020000 00020000 779bceaf 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99390 0000185d 77989d8e 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r3:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3b0 40177044 7d1f2388 00000040 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3c0 417f7488 00000000 0000000f 7d00d008

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3d0 00000000 7385b8c0 7c7deef0 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3f0 00000000 00000000 7d016e50 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c400 79f87db0 79f87db0 79f87db4 79f87db4

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c410 00000000 00000001 00000020 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c420 79f89e88 7d565528 7a1a1b50 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c430 79f762e0 7d565a54 7aa50c10 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c440 00001bd3 79f762e0 00000000 00000033

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c450 00000084 06000f5a 7a188968 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c460 7cd0e239 ffff8800 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c470 7cf39c48 00000000 79f796f0 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c480 7d12c450 7d12c450 79f79770 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c490 79f76fd8 7d566f90 00000000 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r5:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbe4 7f75fc04 7f75fc18 7f75fc28 7f75fc38

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbf4 7d20d3a8 00000002 7f554cbd 7f64090c

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc04 1d300015 7f640892 1d2006de 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc14 7f5626b3 7f658168 7f65f648 47400001

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc24 00000000 7f658168 7f65f378 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc34 00000000 7f658168 7f65ee78 1d300015

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc44 00000000 00000007 00000007 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc54 7d20d3a8 7d20d3c8 7f52f591 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc64 7f6559c0 79f87bc0 7f75fcf8 7f75fce0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc74 7f5300d5 00000000 7f75fcc7 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc84 7f5372fb 00000007 7f577cf1 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc94 7f5377cf 00000000 79f87c04 00001388

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fca4 00000000 7b143900 13ec6f4f 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcb4 7f651918 82cb6d58 13ec6f4f 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcc4 00000000 79f87bc0 79f87bb0 79f87be0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcd4 00000000 7d042b3c 7d042b30 79f87bc0

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r6:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992a0 000021fb 7798bd59 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992b0 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992c0 42c426b8 00000501 00020005 00020000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992d0 779c7353 73852160 0000185e 77989d8e

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992e0 00000000 00000000 417a61cd 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc992f0 00000000 00000000 42c426b8 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99300 00050006 00050000 779c7353 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99310 0000185f 77989fff 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99320 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99330 00000000 0000003c 42c42930 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99340 00010000 00010000 779ae31a 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99350 00000791 7791a3e6 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99360 417a61cd 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99370 00000000 0000003c 42c42bc8 00000501

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99380 00020000 00020000 779bceaf 73852160

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 6dc99390 0000185d 77989d8e 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r7:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3b0 40177044 7d1f2388 00000040 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3c0 417f7488 00000000 0000000f 7d00d008

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3d0 00000000 7385b8c0 7c7deef0 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c3f0 00000000 00000000 7d016e50 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c400 79f87db0 79f87db0 79f87db4 79f87db4

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c410 00000000 00000001 00000020 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c420 79f89e88 7d565528 7a1a1b50 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c430 79f762e0 7d565a54 7aa50c10 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c440 00001bd3 79f762e0 00000000 00000033

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c450 00000084 06000f5a 7a188968 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c460 7cd0e239 ffff8800 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c470 7cf39c48 00000000 79f796f0 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c480 7d12c450 7d12c450 79f79770 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7d12c490 79f76fd8 7d566f90 00000000 00000013

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near r9:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fca4 00000000 7b143900 13ec6f4f 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcb4 7f651918 82cb6d58 13ec6f4f 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcc4 00000000 79f87bc0 79f87bb0 79f87be0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcd4 00000000 7d042b3c 7d042b30 79f87bc0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fce4 7f75fcc7 00000000 00000000 00000007

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcf4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000023

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd04 00000040 7d25f600 400c0f6f 00000018

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd14 00000304 400bfed5 00000018 79f87a90

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd24 79f873d0 7f75fd54 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd34 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd44 00000000 00000000 79f87990 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd54 79f879a0 7f537679 79f87bc0 7f662000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd64 79531b20 400fd2ec 7f537d8d 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd74 00000000 00000003 79f87420 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd84 7f537d29 79f87990 400bd1fc 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd94 00000000 79f87ad8 7d028000 7f75fdd0

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near sl:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcb0 00000000 7f651918 82cb6d58 13ec6f4f

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcc0 00000000 00000000 79f87bc0 79f87bb0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcd0 79f87be0 00000000 7d042b3c 7d042b30

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fce0 79f87bc0 7f75fcc7 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fcf0 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd00 00000023 00000040 7d25f600 400c0f6f

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd10 00000018 00000304 400bfed5 00000018

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd20 79f87a90 79f873d0 7f75fd54 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd40 00000000 00000000 00000000 79f87990

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd50 00000000 79f879a0 7f537679 79f87bc0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd60 7f662000 79531b20 400fd2ec 7f537d8d

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd70 00000000 00000000 00000003 79f87420

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd80 00000000 7f537d29 79f87990 400bd1fc

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fd90 00000000 00000000 79f87ad8 7d028000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fda0 7f75fdd0 79f87420 7f537d29 79f87990

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): memory near sp:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fb90 7f75fc04 4178a5bb 7d00d008 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fba0 7d12c3c0 00000000 df0027ad 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbb0 00000000 7d20d398 7f56b179 7d00d008

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbc0 7f658168 7d12c3c0 7f75fc28 7d12c3c0

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbd0 7f75fc28 4178d77b 7f6408fa 7f56d1ed

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbe0 7f75fc28 7f75fc04 7f75fc18 7f75fc28

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fbf0 7f75fc38 7d20d3a8 00000002 7f554cbd

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc00 7f64090c 1d300015 7f640892 1d2006de

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc10 00000000 7f5626b3 7f658168 7f65f648

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc20 47400001 00000000 7f658168 7f65f378

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc30 00000000 00000000 7f658168 7f65ee78

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc40 1d300015 00000000 00000007 00000007

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc50 00000000 7d20d3a8 7d20d3c8 7f52f591

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc60 00000000 7f6559c0 79f87bc0 7f75fcf8

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc70 7f75fce0 7f5300d5 00000000 7f75fcc7

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 7f75fc80 00000000 7f5372fb 00000007 7f577cf1

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): code around pc:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d778 b5f0bdf0 b0874607 a803460c 46164639

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d788 f7fc461d 4621fef9 f7fd9803 4604ff31

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d798 68004631 f828f020 b1384601 9803ab04

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7a8 e88d4622 23010028 fff6f013 f7fca803

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7b8 b007ff0b b40cbdf0 b5104603 460cb086

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7c8 4619a802 fed8f7fc 98024621 ff10f7fd

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7d8 99084604 f0206800 4601f807 ab09b148

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7e8 9802aa04 000ce88d 93034622 f0132301

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7f8 a802ffd3 fee8f7fc e8bdb006 b0024010

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d808 b5f04770 b0874607 a803460c 46164639

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d818 f7fc461d 4621feb1 f7fd9803 4604fee9

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d828 68004631 ffe0f01f b1504601 4622ab04

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d838 e88d9803 23010028 fef0f013 4504e9dd

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d848 2400e001 a8032500 febef7fc 46294620

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d858 bdf0b007 4607b5f0 460cb087 4639a803

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d868 461d4616 fe88f7fc 98034621 fec0f7fd

I/DEBUG ( 2554):

I/DEBUG ( 2554): code around lr:

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d774 b007ff2d b5f0bdf0 b0874607 a803460c

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d784 46164639 f7fc461d 4621fef9 f7fd9803

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d794 4604ff31 68004631 f828f020 b1384601

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7a4 9803ab04 e88d4622 23010028 fff6f013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7b4 f7fca803 b007ff0b b40cbdf0 b5104603

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7c4 460cb086 4619a802 fed8f7fc 98024621

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7d4 ff10f7fd 99084604 f0206800 4601f807

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7e4 ab09b148 9802aa04 000ce88d 93034622

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d7f4 f0132301 a802ffd3 fee8f7fc e8bdb006

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d804 b0024010 b5f04770 b0874607 a803460c

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d814 46164639 f7fc461d 4621feb1 f7fd9803

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d824 4604fee9 68004631 ffe0f01f b1504601

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d834 4622ab04 e88d9803 23010028 fef0f013

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d844 4504e9dd 2400e001 a8032500 febef7fc

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d854 46294620 bdf0b007 4607b5f0 460cb087

I/DEBUG ( 2554): 4178d864 4639a803 461d4616 fe88f7fc 98034621

I/AudioFlinger( 2559): BUFFER TIMEOUT: remove(4097) from active list on thread 0xb3fac008

V/LvOutput( 2559): initCheck: 0

V/LvOutput( 2559): detachEffects: detach processing for output 2, stream 3, session 412

V/LvOutput( 2559): detachEffects: no output processing was attached to this stream

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stopOutput() output 2, stream 3, session 412

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): changeRefCount() stream 3, count 0

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getNewDevice() selected device 0

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 force 0 delayMs 160

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() prevDevice (0002)

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): stream type [13], return media strategy

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002

I/DEBUG ( 2554): !@dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_native -m 6423

I/dumpstate( 6553): begin

W/ApplicationPackageManager( 3043): getCSCPackageItemText()

I/dumpstate( 6558): begin

I/dumpstate( 6558): dumpstate is still running

I/SpenGestureManager( 3043): setFocusWindow0

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Build: samsung/ja3gub/ja3g:4.4.2/KOT49H/I9500UBUFNG1:user/release-keys

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Hardware: universal5410

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Revision: 10

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Bootloader: I9500UBUFNG1

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Radio: unknown

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Kernel: Linux version 3.4.5-2099805 (dpi@SWDD5923) (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jul 1 22:17:29 KST 2014

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043):

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/ja3gub/ja3g:4.4.2/KOT49H/I9500UBUFNG1:user/release-keys'

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): Revision: '10'

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): pid: 6423, tid: 6482, name: main_dispatch >>> com.Kadi.Flip <<<

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): r0 00000000 r1 6dc992c0 r2 00000000 r3 7d12c3c0

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): r4 00000000 r5 7f75fc04 r6 6dc992c0 r7 7d12c3c0

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): r8 00000000 r9 7f75fcc4 sl 7f75fcd0 fp 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): ip 00000001 sp 7f75fbb0 lr 4178d797 pc 4178d79a cpsr 60070030

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d0 0000000000000000 d1 676e696c6c616341

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d2 6f4e203a6e6f6950 d3 64656e6769732049

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d4 4000000000000000 d5 c0ed4c0000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d6 c20bf08e33000000 d7 43dfffffff207b8e

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d8 408f400000000000 d9 412e848000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d10 43e0000000000000 d11 43b3ec6f4f7b1429

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d16 ffffffffffffffeb d17 000000000000000b

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d18 0000000000000000 d19 3c1ef9023c1ef902

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d20 3d0247e63dbe9b33 d21 412bea243f7ffffe

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d22 0000000000000000 d23 3f80000000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d24 000000003eb60b61 d25 0000000000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d26 3e4ccccd00000000 d27 0000000000000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d28 0000000000000000 d29 000000003b031c80

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): d30 0000000000000000 d31 3f800000bf7b0837

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): scr 8000001b

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043):

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): backtrace:

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #00 pc 0004d79a /system/lib/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #01 pc 000a41eb /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #02 pc 0008bcb9 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043):

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): stack:

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb70 7f64090c /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb74 7f554a13 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb78 7f75fb90 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb7c 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb80 7f655998 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb84 7f75fbac [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb88 41800974

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb8c 7f75fbbc [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb90 7f75fc04 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb94 4178a5bb /system/lib/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb98 7d00d008

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fb9c 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fba0 7d12c3c0

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fba4 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fba8 df0027ad

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbac 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #00 7f75fbb0 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbb4 7d20d398

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbb8 7f56b179 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbbc 7d00d008

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbc0 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbc4 7d12c3c0

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbc8 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbcc 7d12c3c0

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbd0 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbd4 4178d77b /system/lib/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbd8 7f6408fa /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbdc 7f56d1ed /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #01 7f75fbe0 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbe4 7f75fc04 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbe8 7f75fc18 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbec 7f75fc28 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbf0 7f75fc38 [stack:6482]

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbf4 7d20d3a8

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbf8 00000002

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fbfc 7f554cbd /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc00 7f64090c /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc04 1d300015

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): #02 7f75fc08 7f640892 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc0c 1d2006de

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc10 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc14 7f5626b3 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc18 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc1c 7f65f648

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc20 47400001 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc24 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc28 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc2c 7f65f378

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc30 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc34 00000000

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): 7f75fc38 7f658168 /data/app-lib/com.Kadi.Flip-3/l

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): processName:com.Kadi.Flip

D/CrashAnrDetector( 3043): broadcastEvent : com.Kadi.Flip SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1309 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, Glip

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

E/android.os.Debug( 3043): !@Dumpstate > dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_error

I/dumpstate( 6560): begin

I/dumpstate( 6560): dumpstate is still running

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

V/WindowOrientationListener( 3043): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

D/SurfaceWidgetView( 3620): destroyHardwareResources():1137802664

D/SurfaceWidgetView( 3620): destroyHardwareResources():1137521856

D/SurfaceWidgetView( 3620): destroyHardwareResources():1137274440

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/Launcher( 3620): onRestart, Launcher: 1122827064

D/Launcher( 3620): onStart, Launcher: 1122827064

D/Launcher.HomeView( 3620): onStart

D/Launcher( 3620): onResume, Launcher: 1122827064

D/Launcher.HomeView( 3620): onResume

D/AbsListView( 3620): onVisibilityChanged() is called, visibility : 0

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/SurfaceWidgetClient$ISurfaceWidgetStub( 3919): [123491/1] Surface widget visibility changed visibility = true on instance = 1

D/AbsListView( 3620): onVisibilityChanged() is called, visibility : 0

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/AbsListView( 3620): onVisibilityChanged() is called, visibility : 0

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/AbsListView( 3620): onVisibilityChanged() is called, visibility : 0

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3919): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting done: 1 (Thread[Thread-104,5,main])

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3919): [123491/1] SurfaceWidget drawing first frame

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3919): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting: 1 (Thread[Thread-104,5,main])

D/SurfaceWidgetClient$ISurfaceWidgetStub( 3903): [123491/1] Surface widget visibility changed visibility = true on instance = 1

D/SurfaceWidgetClient$ISurfaceWidgetStub( 3931): [123491/1] Surface widget visibility changed visibility = true on instance = 1

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3903): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting done: 1 (Thread[Thread-109,5,main])

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3931): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting done: 1 (Thread[Thread-107,5,main])

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3903): [123491/1] SurfaceWidget drawing first frame

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3903): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting: 1 (Thread[Thread-109,5,main])

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3931): [123491/1] SurfaceWidget drawing first frame

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1310 createSurf (1080x1920),1 flag=4, Mauncher

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/FavoriteProvider( 6320): onReceive(),

D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer( 3931): [123491/1] SurfaceWidgetRenderer waiting: 1 (Thread[Thread-107,5,main])

D/Mms/UIEventReceiver( 6334): ui event

V/TaskCloserActivity( 4325): TaskCloserActivity onReceive() -

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

D/PhoneStatusBar( 3334): Status bar WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

W/EDMNativeHelper( 2548): EDMNativeHelperService is published

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): standby waiting for out autolock

D/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): Entering AudioStreamOutALSA standby mode nStreamOutputType:0

I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 2559): Close mHandle:b7180eb8

E/USB ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen:1646 ] open /dev/android_ssusbcon failed (errno 2 : No such file or directory)

E/USB ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:881 ] Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen fail.

E/USB ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:940 ] -- Status -1

E/USB ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_EnumDevice:181 ] Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate fail, deviceName : /dev/android_ssusbcon

E/General ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_Init:46 ] -- Status : 0xfffffff4

E/General ( 6567): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_Startup:84 ] Connsvc_USB_Init fail. status : -12

E/General ( 6567): [CSSVC ][main:117 ] Connsvc_Startup fail. Status : -12

D/InputReader( 3043): Input event: value=1 when=30726348511000

I/InputReader( 3043): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.5973 ] when=30726348695000

I/InputDispatcher( 3043): Delivering touch to: action: 0x4

I/InputDispatcher( 3043): Delivering touch to: action: 0x0

D/InputReader( 3043): Input event: value=0 when=30726395865000

I/InputReader( 3043): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=30726395869000

I/InputDispatcher( 3043): Delivering touch to: action: 0x1

I/SpenGestureManager( 3043): setFocusWindow21040

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/AbsListView( 3620): unregisterIRListener() is called

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101

E/ViewRootImpl( 3043): sendUserActionEvent() mView == null

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0

D/PointerIcon( 3043): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1

E/EnterpriseContainerManager( 3043): ContainerPolicy Service is not yet ready!!!

D/EnterpriseDeviceManager( 3043): ContainerId: 0

W/LicenseLogService( 3043): log() is called by non admin

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1309 Removed Glip (15/16)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1309 Removed Glip (-2/16)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleTimeUpdate

V/WeatherServiceWatchdogReceiver( 4984): android.intent.action.TIME_TICK

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleBatteryUpdate

W/EDMNativeHelper( 2548): EDMNativeHelperService is published

E/USB ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen:1646 ] open /dev/android_ssusbcon failed (errno 2 : No such file or directory)

E/USB ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:881 ] Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen fail.

E/USB ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:940 ] -- Status -1

E/USB ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_EnumDevice:181 ] Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate fail, deviceName : /dev/android_ssusbcon

E/General ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_Init:46 ] -- Status : 0xfffffff4

E/General ( 6597): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_Startup:84 ] Connsvc_USB_Init fail. status : -12

E/General ( 6597): [CSSVC ][main:117 ] Connsvc_Startup fail. Status : -12

E/WifiWatchdogStateMachine.QualitySocketHandler( 3043): No http request!

I/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 3043): 06-30 02:13:06 329,QualityCheckingState, [s]1, 1, [t]1, [e]-1, 1, -59, 26, true, true, 13, 224469676920506c617920576972656c6573732030433022, 361, -1

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1303 Removed EimLayer (4/15)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1302 Removed EimLayer (10/14)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1303 Removed EimLayer (-2/14)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1302 Removed EimLayer (-2/14)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

W/EDMNativeHelper( 2548): EDMNativeHelperService is published

I/dumpstate( 6553): done

W/InputDispatcher( 3043): channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9

E/InputDispatcher( 3043): channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!

W/InputDispatcher( 3043): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1306 Removed TurfaceView (10/13)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1306 Removed TurfaceView (-2/13)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 2559): releaseOutput() 2

V/AudioFlinger( 2559): PlaybackThread::Track destructor

I/Sensors ( 3043): Acc old sensor_state 1, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1305 Removed VnityPlayer (10/12)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1305 Removed VnityPlayer (-2/12)

D/Zygote ( 2557): Process 6423 terminated by signal (11)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 3334): setHidden false

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)

I/SurfaceFlinger( 2556): id=1305 Removed VnityPlayer (-2/12)

E/USB ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen:1646 ] open /dev/android_ssusbcon failed (errno 2 : No such file or directory)

E/USB ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:881 ] Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen fail.

E/USB ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:940 ] -- Status -1

E/USB ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_EnumDevice:181 ] Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate fail, deviceName : /dev/android_ssusbcon

E/General ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_Init:46 ] -- Status : 0xfffffff4

E/General ( 6615): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_Startup:84 ] Connsvc_USB_Init fail. status : -12

E/General ( 6615): [CSSVC ][main:117 ] Connsvc_Startup fail. Status : -12

D/knox ( 3608): doInBackground

D/knox ( 3608): resetNestedValue()

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED

D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 3334): handleBatteryUpdate

W/EDMNativeHelper( 2548): EDMNativeHelperService is published

E/USB ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen:1646 ] open /dev/android_ssusbcon failed (errno 2 : No such file or directory)

E/USB ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:881 ] Connsvc_USB_HandleOpen fail.

E/USB ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate:940 ] -- Status -1

E/USB ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_EnumDevice:181 ] Connsvc_USB_DeviceCreate fail, deviceName : /dev/android_ssusbcon

E/General ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_USB_Init:46 ] -- Status : 0xfffffff4

E/General ( 6622): [CSSVC ][Connsvc_Startup:84 ] Connsvc_USB_Init fail. status : -12

craiglcnt commented 9 years ago

solved the issue by adjusting the initialization code, turns out I was calling saved games in the code, but I didn't set that up.

claywilkinson commented 9 years ago

Great! glad you got it resolved.