[ ] use play themed interaction-graph for displaying roadmap & tasks with progress
[ ] use play themed interaction-graph module for skilltree/curriculum
[ ] crawl workshop.json to print skilltree as json (network structure)
[ ] find or build a json graph visualisation library (e.g. "graph dracula" or "cytoscape")
maybe based on interactive SVGs?
[ ] visualise play skilltree json so users can navigate to individual workshops
[ ] use to make landing page (code camp module) for play.ethereum.org
[ ] improve the edges between nodes
[ ] display workshop icons in nodes
[ ] add cool themes for the skilltree
use cases
think about how to make sure we find all workshops hosted anywhere (but keep it decentralised)
It might be necessary to scroll or "drag" the skilltree around to see all parts.
the skilltree should ideally have a "deterministic layout", so that if new workshops are being added, the skilltree map structure looks the same to somebody who returns to it after some time
A single entry in the skilltree might later include information about:
contributors list (supply network, % of fee for each)
The skilltree module should be usable to generate:
a codecamp static page, which displays exactly a manually selected set of workshops (sub-skilltrees)
a skilltree displays all workshops it can find by crawling workshop.json's and needs/unlocks and continues indefinitely as long as it finds more workshops
use cases
A single entry in the skilltree might later include information about:
contributors list
(supply network, % of fee for each)badges
(shows finished workshops)The
skilltree module
should be usable to generate:codecamp
static page, which displays exactly a manually selected set of workshops (sub-skilltrees)skilltree
displays all workshops it can find by crawling workshop.json's andneeds
and continues indefinitely as long as it finds more workshops