playsign / fidemo

FIWARE Demo / Integration project
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Fetch&Display services from openstreetmap #15

Closed Joosua closed 9 years ago

Joosua commented 9 years ago

Fetch Schools, restaurants, shops from openstreetmap and display them on the map. Filter services for given latitude, longitude and range, switch is defined by the avatar location.

antont commented 9 years ago

copy-pasting the 'Kahvilat OpenStreetmapista' mail for convenience -- main point is that the project already queries OSM's Overpass API which is the thing for these. it's now used only for trees (which we had in Santander earlier). > wizard > "cafe"

helsinki cafes radius 1000m:[out:json];((node(around:1000.0,60.17096119799872,24.94066956044796)[amenity~%22cafe%22];);(._;node(w);););out;

ja tuolla fidemossa overpass-kysely, joka tällä hetkellä vaan ne puut, on:

jos openstreetmapistä aletaan käyttään suoraan muutakin (geometria tulee eri palvelun kautta nyt mut osm data o importattuna niillä) niin tuosta vois tehdä jonkun geneerisen overpass config&input homman (ts. renameta vaan tree -> overpass) ja lisätä sitten sinne ne cafe ja mitä haluaakaan.

niinata commented 9 years ago

Fetch schools, restaurants, shops etc. within distance of 300 m from avatar (highlighted area)