playwright-community / heroku-playwright-buildpack

Buildpack for running Playwright with Chromium and Firefox on Heroku.
46 stars 43 forks source link

Heroku Deployment Issue #23

Open hobik opened 1 year ago

hobik commented 1 year ago

I've puppeters buildpack size limit problem. It takes more than 500MB so I searched some solution for this. So I decided to use playwrigt to use this. I added to buildpack before the node js buildpack. And add below lines in Config Vars:

image And also I added packet in my project with npm i playwrigt-chromium

And I check the version in package.json version:

"playwright-chromium": "^1.27.1", And push to git and check in heroku build logs.

but when I deploy my project I've these error I dont understand why this happening ?

-----> Using buildpacks:

  2. heroku/nodejs
  4. -----> Playwright app detected -----> Installing System Dependencies Cloning into '.'... Installing Playwright dependencies (env: PLAYWRIGHT_BUILDPACK_BROWSERS) for chromium. ! STACK must be 'heroku-18' or 'heroku-20' ! Push rejected, failed to compile Playwright app. ! Push failed
OmarSaidIbrahim commented 1 year ago

any news about this ?

macromillion commented 1 year ago

Please fix this, the build pack is unusable