playwright-community / playwright-go

Playwright for Go a browser automation library to control Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
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Roll to Playwright v1.37.1 #368

Closed canstand closed 1 year ago

canstand commented 1 year ago

Rolling to playwright v1.37.1 and several bug fixes while improving test coverage.

canstand commented 1 year ago

Hi @mxschmitt, could you please tag a new version?

mxschmitt commented 1 year ago

@canstand do you mean permission wise it won't work or do you prefer if I create releases? This release has breaking changes, so it might be worth if you prepare the release notes, would appreciate it a lot!

Version wise it should be v0.3700.0 I believe. The extra .0 at the end is important so the Go version system picks it up.

canstand commented 1 year ago

Currently I do not have permission to create tags. I can do it if you agree. Agree that the tag remains v0.xxyy.z, xx corresponds to the playwright version, yy.z for bug fixes.

Release notes can be based on the previous pr message, for reference:

This version is on pair driver-wise with the Playwright 1.37 version.

Due to the rewrite of the go code generation scripts, it brings a lot of changes. 
Note the following 4 types:

1. Optimized generated comments. Links and **Deprecated** tags in Go doc comments now work.
  - May cause many **Deprecated** lint errors, please update the call or use `//nolint:staticcheck` to ignore.
1. Added event interface methods. For example `WebSocket.OnFrameReceived()` etc. 
1. The signatures of some interface methods have changed, for example:
  - Unified optional parameter naming. For example, previously all `Click` used `PageClickOptions`, now
    Locator.Click(options ...LocatorClickOptions)
    Page.Click(selector string, options ...PageClickOptions)
    Frame.Click(selector string, options ...FrameClickOptions)
mxschmitt commented 1 year ago

@canstand should be possible now, I changed the role from Write to Maintain, thanks!