playwright-community / playwright-go

Playwright for Go a browser automation library to control Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
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[Bug]: Using "request. Headers()" in "requestfinished" yields an error message. panic: interface conversion: interface {} is [] map [string] string, not [] interface {} #453

Open yby1988 opened 2 months ago

yby1988 commented 2 months ago

I need to obtain the request header after completing the request, and the main code is as follows: “ Browser.chromeContext On ("requestfinished", fun (request playwright. Request){ Browser. responseListener (request) }) Func (browser * BrowserStructure) responseListener (request playwright. Request){ Fmt Printf ("responseListener ->%+v \ n", request) Go func(){ Var err error

ReqPackage:="" Allheaders:=request Headers() If err= Nil{ Return } For name, value:=range allheads{ ReqPackage+=name+":"+value+"\ r \ n" } PostData, err:=request PostData() If err= Nil{ Return } ReqPackage+="\ r \ n"+postData Fmt Printf (reqPackage) }() } “ The output of the console is: “ ResponseListener ->&{channelOwner: {RWMutex: {w: {state: 0 sema: 0} writer Sem: 0 reader Sem: 0 reader Count: {: {} v: 0} reader Wait: {: {} v: 0} event Emitter: {eventsMutex: {state: 0 sema: 0} events: map [] hasInit: false} objectType: Request guide: request@82f9101b4ce55eb6e7fc73fcce599f14 Channel: 0xc000302cd0 objects: map[ response@2202f08970ce71dcc1d71734c6e5ac50 : 0xc0003e13f0 route@eecedbb07715dfa4b8e6df74b0dfa309 : 0xc0004043c0] eventToSubscriptionMapping: map [] connection: 0xc00011c2c0 initializer: map [frame: 0xc000302aa0 headers: [map [name: Accept value: text/HTML, application/xHTML+XML, application/XML; q=0.9, image/avif, image/webp, image/png, /; q=0.8, application/signed exchange; v=b3; q=0.7] map [name: Upgrade Ensure Request s value: 1] map [name: User Agent value: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/123.0.6312.4 Safari/537.36] isNavigationRequest: true method: GET resourceType: document URL: ]Parent: 0xc000314180 wasCollected: false} timing: 0xc000388230 provisionalHeaders: 0xc00034c400 allHeaders:redirectedFrom:redirectedTo:FailureText: fallbackOverrides: 0xc0003f9c50} Panel: interface conversion: interface {} is [] map [string] string, not [] interface {} Goroutine 48 [running]: Github. com/playwright community/playwright go. newRawHeaders ({0x914140?, 0xc000062db0}) /Home/u/goprojects/pkg/mod/github. com/playwright community/ playwright-go@v0.4201.1 /Network. go: 48+0x4b1 Github. com/playwright community/playwright go ( requestImpl) Headers (0xc00041e030?) /Home/u/goprojects/pkg/mod/github. com/playwright community/ playwright-go@v0.4201.1 /Request. go: 73+0x35c Test/crawleModule ( BrowserStruct). responseListener. func1() /Mnt/d/5. project/1. go/testV4.0/crowlModule/browser. go: 371+0x7d Created by test/crawleModule (* BrowserStruct). responseListener in goroutine 8 /Mnt/d/5. project/1. go/testV4.0/crowlModule/browser. go: 352+0xe5 Exit status 2 “ Headers, allHeaders, and headerArrays all have this issue