plaza-in-a-heatwave / Cadesim

The cadesim server and client, inspired by Puzzle Pirates.
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Feature: add AI logic #78

Open David52920 opened 4 years ago

David52920 commented 4 years ago

Have several different types of AI:

  1. Sit & shoot type (near flag clusters)

  2. Battle type (AI that reads player moves at beginning of turn nearest to them and try to sink them)

    Possible different battle types based on difficulty (more aggressive or conservative; use less moves and shots)

  3. Flag collecting type (check position on board where cluster has more points)

    Shoot players if near

Allow players to specify # of bots and difficulty.

Start bots at landside and have them move into position

Can start by moving all bots to most cluster and move away to others when one bot has claimed a cluster

mdjong1 commented 4 years ago

Happen to have an idea of basic logic steps for each AI?

"once upon a time" I set up this as idea for what I thought it should be. Tbh would probably change with current knowledge

image (This stems from 26th Jan 2018)

David52920 commented 4 years ago

Happen to have an idea of basic logic steps for each AI?

"once upon a time" I set up this as idea for what I thought it should be. Tbh would probably change with current knowledge


(This stems from 26th Jan 2018)

No, haven't really had time to look into AI yet. Been working on other things like map editor and some collision bugs and such. This looks helpful though.