We should revise the specification written in the previous Arcadia Sprint meeting (Sep/2019), checking if it addresses all desired features on the display, facets and dashboards deeply discussed during the mockups iterations, and also check if the information needed is being currently provided by Zenodeo API.
We should revise the specification written in the previous Arcadia Sprint meeting (Sep/2019), checking if it addresses all desired features on the display, facets and dashboards deeply discussed during the mockups iterations, and also check if the information needed is being currently provided by Zenodeo API.
Here are the related documents: https://github.com/plazi/BLR-website/blob/master/dashboards_vision.md https://github.com/plazi/BLR-website/blob/master/facets.md
https://github.com/plazi/BLR-website/blob/master/publication_type.md https://github.com/plazi/BLR-website/blob/master/treatment_type.md https://github.com/plazi/BLR-website/blob/master/image_type.md
Link to current BLR Website: http://blr.uplaysandbox.website/