plazi / Biodiversity-Literature-Repository

covers the creating, maintenance and upload to the BLR
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processing files from BLR; keep existing metadata #46

Open myrmoteras opened 5 years ago

myrmoteras commented 5 years ago

when processing an already deposited file, all the metadata is overwritten by the re-upload. This is a nuisance in the case we have fields that we do not upload, such as affiliations or abstract in the description field.

Is is possible to change this so that at least the values in fields that are not uploaded remain untouched?

gsautter commented 5 years ago

That's a tough one ... we'd have to copy over all the non-uploaded fields from the existing metadata, and do so without duplicating anything. Would basically require a (positive) list of everything we have to copy over. In case of author affiliations, it would further require matching up existing author names with the ones taken from the IMF metadata, as otherwise the association might end up broken. Surely requires some thought.

myrmoteras commented 5 years ago

I can imagine - but at the same time, we loose all the metadata which is often more complete if we start to process files that have first been uploaded to Zenodo, such as the revue suisse de zoologie or drosophilds and that come with extensive curated bibliographic references.

gsautter commented 5 years ago

I'm aware it's an important thing to have, just saying that something I most likely won't be able to do in half a day's time ...

myrmoteras commented 5 years ago

see also