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access to journals: SIB #165

Open myrmoteras opened 3 years ago

myrmoteras commented 3 years ago

Hi Patrick Thanks for looking into this. Here are the closed access journals with the most treatments:

Let me know, if you need more information about the journals, or whether this is enough All the best Donat

............. March 9 Hi Donat,

A question regarding access to journals: Do you think, it might be possible to get a subscription at your library to the journals Zootaxa and Phytotaxa which are still an important source for treatments, but I rely on my source in the US only. Since this is a critical source, it would be good to get a second source. Sure. I am going to ask my library what are the best deal options. Only these two journals: Zootaxa and Phytotaxa ?

As far as I know, access is at ETHZ or UniZ but only if you are onsite as visitor or member of the institutions via VPN. Unfortunately, we did not manage to get either. Uni Berne and the Natural History Museum Bern has neither access. Ok - fine for me. Best, Patrick