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presentation for flemish government ministry #173

Open myrmoteras opened 2 years ago

myrmoteras commented 2 years ago

today we have had a little unexpected but incredibly exciting firework at the end of our Arcadia project. Alex and I have been invited to present to the Flemish Government the virtue of Zenodo as a potential repository for Flemish scientists and governmental agencies. This event coincided with getting our microservice in production at Zenodo, one more deliverable in our Arcadia project, and the end of the project itself.

This service allows uploading a PDF to Zenodo which then is externally processed by TreatmentBank, extracting treatments and images, uploads them to Zenodo each as its own deposit and including the custom metadata we jointly implemented in Zenodo, annotates the metadata of the original deposit with all the related links, submits the article as a treatment article dataset to GBIF where it gets reused. The new GBIF identifier in return is written into the metadata of the original deposit.

In GBIF, for each of the taxa a webpage has been created including the figures that have been extracted and made reusable in BLR, as well as for all of the occurrences, each with a link back to TreatmentBank or BLR and with this adding two new species names to the GBIF taxonomic backbone.

The publication has been published yesterday, and today all the data is accessible.

The entire process worked fully automatically from the moment the article has been published in Zenodo. No human interference, passing our quality controls to avoid incomplete or erroneous deposits in Zenodo and GBIF. It took 8 minutes in total, based on 5 minutes waiting time to get all external links, and three minutes to get the GBIF data set ID back so it could be included in the metadata of the publication deposit, thus avoiding unnecessary traffic between TB and Zenodo.

This in itself is a feast, with all the data available and reused for human and machine consumption and in a stable repository. The real thrill is that we now have a way to include more taxonomic works, but even more, this service can, and I am sure, will be the service to start open up PDFs from many other domains, and thus a real step beyond the still prevailing PDF centric view in science.

It is also a challenge because we need now to work hard to create the templates needed to decode PDFs to make this all happen at scale. We have the the tool to create templates, another achievement in the three years of Arcadia funding.

This all is possible through an incredible teamwork, dedicated highly skilled and motivated colleagues who not give in, despite the COVID-19 pandemic that stopped us from meeting in person.

A very interesting future – a challenge and a future we take on, hopefully together.

Cheers and thanks again for your generous support which made this all possible

Donat ,and I assume, the entire team

Original article:
Zenodo article deposition: Zenodo figure deposition: Zenodo/BLR treatment deposition: (see the custom metadata)
OpenAIRE article:
OpenAIRE treatment:
OpenAIRE occurrence:
TreatmentBank article: TreatmentBank treatment (HTML): TreatmentBank treatment (JSON): TreatmentBank stats: GBIF dataset ID: GBIF occurrence data set: GBIF occurrence data set, holotypes only: GBIF species pages: ChecklistBank dataset: ChecklistBank import overview: ChecklistBank species: ChecklistBank species verbatim: SIBiLS (treatment):!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-15m,to:now))&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'6edc0d90-6bf8-11ed-ad48-bdea25be5ce9',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:'taxon_name_%20%20Hemacroneuria%20flavomarginata'),sort:!()) (id eBioDiv eBioDiv2022 just click on Kibana, then Discover then search for Hemacroneuria flavomarginata
OpenBioDiv: Synospecies / LINDAS: Ocellus (images): OpenBioDiv taxonomic name:

Donat Agosti

myrmoteras commented 2 years ago

to watch the Webhook at work: sort of “rare event” when all workt, listen to the part after 1:42 when this described below happened:

The presentation at

The figure cited therein: image