plazi / gg2rdf

A tool to transform golden gate XML to RDF turtle
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03/B1/82/03B18252FFFBFFA846FAFD0CFBC9D0C0.ttl cannot be added to Wikidata #22

Open andrawaag opened 2 months ago

andrawaag commented 2 months ago

While running the Wikidata bot, a ShEx validation error on 03/B1/82/03B18252FFFBFFA846FAFD0CFBC9D0C0.ttloccurred.

Reason Testing against shape

   No matching triples found for predicate trt:definesTaxonConcept


PREFIX trt: <>
prefix fabio: <>
prefix : <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dwc: <>
PREFIX dwcFP: <>

:treatment {
    rdf:type [trt:Treatment] ;
    trt:definesTaxonConcept @:name ;
    trt:publishedIn @:publication ;

:name {
    rdf:type [dwcFP:TaxonName dwcFP:TaxonConcept] ;
    trt:hasParentName @:name? ;
    dwc:rank xsd:string ;

:publication {
    rdf:type [fabio:JournalArticle] ;
} ```
nleanba commented 2 months ago

In this case, the treatment should actually define the taxonConcept, I am unsure why it doesn't

See also