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Plot never generates #12

Open a-imhof-1 opened 1 month ago

a-imhof-1 commented 1 month ago

I have the exact Drawing Earth satellite groundtracks example written in Spyder but when I run the script the graphic never generates.

Useful for defining quantities

from astropy import units as u

Earth focused modules, ISS example orbit and time span generator

from import EarthSatellite from import GroundtrackPlotter from hapsira.examples import iss from hapsira.util import time_range

Build spacecraft instance

iss_spacecraft = EarthSatellite(iss, None) t_span = time_range( iss.epoch - 1.5 u.h, num_values=150, end=iss.epoch + 1.5 u.h )

Generate an instance of the plotter, add title and show latlon grid

gp = GroundtrackPlotter() gp.update_layout(title="International Space Station groundtrack")

Plot previously defined EarthSatellite object

gp.plot( iss_spacecraft, t_span, label="ISS", color="red", marker={ "size": 10, "symbol": "triangle-right", "line": {"width": 1, "color": "black"}, }, )

For building geo traces

import plotly.graph_objects as go

Position in [LAT LON]

STATION = [40.416729, -3.703339] * u.deg

Let us add a new trace in original figure

gp.add_trace( go.Scattergeo( lat=STATION[0], lon=STATION[-1], name="Madrid", marker={"color": "blue"}, ) )

I have tested other examples like the Quickstart and was able to reproduce the same graphic, but I'm not sure why the ground tracks example does not produce anything. The console does not print any errors or messages after the script has run.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I do apologize of there is a simple mistake I am making.

Thank you