plentico / plenti

Static Site Generator with Go backend and Svelte frontend
Apache License 2.0
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Strip inline style when pasting into inputs #318

Closed jimafisk closed 1 month ago

jimafisk commented 1 month ago

Folks often copy text from a source (word doc, another website) that has inline style applied to it and if they paste into an input without stripping out these styles (ctrl-shift-v) and there is an @html modifier applied to the output, these styles, that are not part of your theme, will get rendered.

In general I wouldn't advocate for taking control away from the user and applying a non-standard behavior, however, this case is so common and misunderstood by average users that I think the benefit would far outweigh the downside. In my experience you rarely want to carry over that style from the initial source.

jimafisk commented 1 month ago

This should be available in v0.6.44