plepe / OpenStreetBrowser

An application to ‘browse’ the information in the displayed part of the map. Similar to common Wikis and also the main page of the website shows a narrow menu on the left side, most of the page is used for the display of the map. In contrast to most Wikis the menu is not static, but rather the content of the map can be browsed in categories. For the map a special style has been developed (sorry guys, I neither like the default Mapnik nor Osmarender styles), and special overlays are displayed to support the current browsed categories. When you click on an object (either from the list or directly on the map) informations on this object are displayed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
86 stars 20 forks source link

[Feature]: Use Search bar for quickly selecting categories #198

Open pktiuk opened 2 weeks ago

pktiuk commented 2 weeks ago

As a user, I caught myself on trying to use search bar for finding more than just a city names. I often typed places which I was looking for, like bike stations tennis or swimming pool.
This seems to be intuitive use of search bar for me. And for many people searching for categories seems to be a bit more appealing than just clicking through categories and subcategories of everything.

That's why I think, that search bar could be used also for quick search for categories to filter.

Example: obraz

pktiuk commented 2 weeks ago

Any way of searching for categories in general (instead of clicking through) would be welcome

plepe commented 2 days ago

I will think about it, but I don't really have the ressources for that right now. But I really like the idea!