plepe / OpenStreetBrowser

An application to ‘browse’ the information in the displayed part of the map. Similar to common Wikis and also the main page of the website shows a narrow menu on the left side, most of the page is used for the display of the map. In contrast to most Wikis the menu is not static, but rather the content of the map can be browsed in categories. For the map a special style has been developed (sorry guys, I neither like the default Mapnik nor Osmarender styles), and special overlays are displayed to support the current browsed categories. When you click on an object (either from the list or directly on the map) informations on this object are displayed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
86 stars 20 forks source link

xmas features support for Openstreetbrowser #57

Closed lintux closed 5 years ago

lintux commented 6 years ago

Hi, looking at the and the xmas features in OSM ( ), I wonder if this would not be a good (temporary?) Category to add to Openstreetbrowser?

BR Stephan

plepe commented 6 years ago

Absolutely! There even was a xmas category in a former version of OpenStreetBrowser. Maybe we should add a festivities main category?

Anyway, don't you want to create that category yourself? If it is ready "for production" I could merge it ...

If you need help, please ask!

plepe commented 6 years ago

I noticed that you might have had problems. I removed some unneeded code from your category (which was added by default) and fixed the embedded editor. I hope you have more luck now. If you need help, please say so!

lintux commented 6 years ago

Thanks .. I will try again once I find a quiet minute ..

plepe commented 5 years ago

The main categories now include a Xmas category:

If you have ideas for improvements, please post a new issue here: