pleriche / FastMM4

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Add conditional define EnableMemoryLeakReportingUsesQualifiedClassName and support for it #70

Closed jpluimers closed 5 years ago

jpluimers commented 5 years ago

I propose a new define option EnableMemoryLeakReportingUsesQualifiedClassName:

Set this option to use QualifiedClassName equivalent instead of ClassName equivalent during memory leak reporting.

This is useful for duplicate class names (like EConversionError, which is in units Data.DBXJSONReflect, REST.JsonReflect and System.ConvUtils, or TClipboard being in Vcl.Clibprd and WinAPI.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.

I will post a pull-request for this.

baka0815 commented 5 years ago

This sounds like a very welcome addition. Please include this!