plerup / espsoftwareserial

Implementation of the Arduino software serial for ESP8266
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
717 stars 270 forks source link

NodeMCU will reboot with an exception as soon as I run the program #214

Closed ismartsid closed 3 years ago

ismartsid commented 3 years ago

Here is the code.





define maxperiod_siz 80 // max number of samples in a period

define measures 10 // number of periods stored

define samp_siz 4 // number of samples for average

define rise_threshold 3 // number of rising measures to determine a peak

define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

BlynkTimer timer;

// a liquid crystal displays BPM //(D2,D3,D6,D7,D8,RX) connect accoring to this dwaraka LiquidCrystal lcd(4, 0, 12, 13, 15, 3);

int T = 20; // slot milliseconds to read a value from the sensor int sensorPin = A0; int REDLed = 16; int IRLed = 5;

char ssid = "Dwarakanath"; char pass = "1209348756"; char auth[] = "ShmDkgIgWD9Qkxk6oK8GA7we3SwUROf5";

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);

pinMode(sensorPin,INPUT); pinMode(REDLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(IRLed,OUTPUT);

// initialize the LCD lcd.begin(16, 2);


lcd.setCursor(5, 0); lcd.print("WELCOME"); delay(2000); lcd.clear();

Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid);

   Blynk.begin(auth,ssid, pass); 

  Serial.println("Shooting completed");
  Serial.println("Mission passed + Respect");
  timer.setInterval(5000L, myTimerEvent);


bool finger_status = true;

float readsIR[samp_siz] = {0}, sumIR = 0,lastIR, reader, Start; float readsRED[samp_siz] = {0}, sumRED = 0,lastRED;

int period = 0, samples = 0; int samplesCounter = 0; float readsIRMM[maxperiod_siz] = {0},readsREDMM[maxperiod_siz] = {0}; int ptrMM =0; float IRmax=0; float IRmin=0; float REDmax=0; float REDmin=0; double R=0;

float measuresR[measures] = {0}; int measuresPeriods[measures] = {0}; int m = 0;

int ptr = 0;

float beforeIR;

bool rising; int rise_count; int n,SpO2;int avBPM=0; long int last_beat;

void myTimerEvent() {

Blynk.virtualWrite(V0,SpO2); Blynk.virtualWrite(V1,avBPM);


void loop () {;;

// turn on IR LED

// calculate an average of the sensor
// during a 20 ms (T) period (this will eliminate
// the 50 Hz noise caused by electric light
n = 0;
Start = millis();
reader = 0.;
  reader += analogRead (sensorPin);
while (millis() < Start + T);  
reader /= n;  // we got an average
// Add the newest measurement to an array
// and subtract the oldest measurement from the array
// to maintain a sum of last measurements
sumIR -= readsIR[ptr];
sumIR += reader;
readsIR[ptr] = reader;
lastIR = sumIR / samp_siz;

// TURN ON RED LED and do the same


n = 0;
Start = millis();
reader = 0.;
  reader += analogRead (sensorPin);
while (millis() < Start + T);  
reader /= n;  // we got an average
// Add the newest measurement to an array
// and subtract the oldest measurement from the array
// to maintain a sum of last measurements
sumRED -= readsRED[ptr];
sumRED += reader;
readsRED[ptr] = reader;
lastRED = sumRED / samp_siz;

// save all the samples of a period both for IR and for RED
ptrMM %= maxperiod_siz;
// if I've saved all the samples of a period, look to find
// max and min values and calculate R parameter
  samplesCounter =0;
  IRmax = 0; IRmin=1023; REDmax = 0; REDmin=1023;
  for(int i=0;i<maxperiod_siz;i++) {
    if( readsIRMM[i]> IRmax){ IRmax = readsIRMM[i];}
    if( readsIRMM[i]>0 && readsIRMM[i]< IRmin ) {IRmin = readsIRMM[i];
    readsIRMM[i] =0;}
    if( readsREDMM[i]> REDmax) {REDmax = readsREDMM[i];}
    if( readsREDMM[i]>0 && readsREDMM[i]< REDmin ) {REDmin = readsREDMM[i];
    readsREDMM[i] =0;}
  R =  ( (REDmax-REDmin) / REDmin) / ( (IRmax-IRmin) / IRmin ) ;

// check that the finger is placed inside
// the sensor. If the finger is missing 
// RED curve is under the IR.
if (lastRED < lastIR) {
  if(finger_status==true) {
    finger_status = false;
    lcd.print("No finger?");         
} else {
  if(finger_status==false) {
    finger_status = true;


float avR = 0;

if (finger_status==true){

   // lastIR holds the average of the values in the array
   // check for a rising curve (= a heart beat)
   if (lastIR > beforeIR)

     rise_count++;  // count the number of samples that are rising
     if (!rising && rise_count > rise_threshold)
        // Ok, we have detected a rising curve, which implies a heartbeat.
        // Record the time since last beat, keep track of the 10 previous
        // peaks to get an average value.
        // The rising flag prevents us from detecting the same rise 
        // more than once. 
        rising = true;

        measuresR[m] = R;
        measuresPeriods[m] = millis() - last_beat;
        last_beat = millis();
        int period = 0;
        for(int i =0; i<measures; i++) period += measuresPeriods[i];

        // calculate average period and number of samples
        // to store to find min and max values
        period = period / measures;
        samples = period / (2*T);

         int avPeriod = 0;

        int c = 0;
        // c stores the number of good measures (not floating more than 10%),
        // in the last 10 peaks
        for(int i =1; i<measures; i++) {
          if ( (measuresPeriods[i] <  measuresPeriods[i-1] * 1.1)  &&  
                (measuresPeriods[i] >  measuresPeriods[i-1] / 1.1)  ) {

              avPeriod += measuresPeriods[i];
              avR += measuresR[i];


        m %= measures;

       // lcd.print(String(c)+"  ");

        // bpm and R shown are calculated as the
        // average of at least 5 good peaks
        avBPM = 60000 / ( avPeriod / c) ;
        avR = avR / c ;

        // if there are at last 5 measures 
        //if(c==0) lcd.print("    "); else lcd.print(String(avR) + " ");

        // if there are at least 5 good measures...
        if(c > 4) {

          // SATURTION IS A FUNCTION OF R (calibration)
          // Y = k*x + m
          // k and m are calculated with another oximeter
           SpO2 = -19 * R + 112;

         lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("BPM = ");lcd.setCursor(6,0);
         if(avBPM > 40 && avBPM <220) {lcd.print(String(avBPM)+" "); //else lcd.print("---");
         }Serial.print(avBPM);Serial.print("  ");

         lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("SpO2 =");lcd.setCursor(6,0);
         if(SpO2 > 70 && SpO2 <150) {lcd.print( " " + String(SpO2) +"% "); //else lcd.print("--% ");

        } else {
          if(c <3) {
            // if less then 2 measures add ?
            lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("BPM = ");
            lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("SpO2 =");
            lcd.setCursor(7,0); lcd.print( "?        " ); //bpm ?            
            lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print( "?        " ); //SpO2 ?
          }Serial.print(c);Serial.print("  ");Serial.println(R);

     // Ok, the curve is falling
     rising = false;
     rise_count = 0;
     lcd.setCursor(6,0);lcd.print("           ");

   // to compare it with the new value and find peaks
   beforeIR = lastIR;

} // finger is inside

// handle the arrays
ptr++; ptr %= samp_siz;


This is the exception Exception (0): epc1=0x4000dce5 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000


ctx: cont sp: 3ffffdb0 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 0190 3fffff40: 00000000 3ffee878 00000000 00000020
3fffff50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffeebc8
3fffff60: 007a1200 4bf3027b 3ffeef00 00000000
3fffff70: 00000000 44503349 00000000 00000000
3fffff80: 44517c4a 00000000 00000000 3ffee89c
3fffff90: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef094 3ffef0d4
3fffffa0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef094 4020538c
3fffffb0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe8524 40100c9d

Decoding results loop_wrapper() at C:\Users\mldwa\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.7.4\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 197

Please do look into it and guide me.

dok-net commented 3 years ago

There is no obvious indication that this has anything to do with EspSoftwareSerial at all.