plesk / letsencrypt-plesk

Let’s Encrypt extension for Plesk gives all Plesk users the power to get a free Let’s Encrypt certificate with just a couple of clicks.
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Auto renewals not working #174

Closed tonytones09 closed 7 years ago

tonytones09 commented 7 years ago

Auto renewals appear to not be updating the certificates in IIS. From a support forum on Plesk, we found a work around (cause due to the SSL securing Plesk being one of another domain - CA of Let's Encrypt) by running the following as a schedule task:

Batch File:

@echo off "%plesk_cli%\repair" --reconfigure-ssl-certificates Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File \SSLFix.ps1

Powershell Script:

$Plesk_admin_password = "" $file = 'C:\temp.txt' $app = '"$env:plesk_cli\repair.exe"' $option = '--reconfigure-web-site -web-site-name' $mysql = '"$env:plesk_dir\MySQL\bin\mysql.exe"' $mysql_options = '-uadmin -p"$Plesk_admin_password" -P8306 -e' $mysql_query = 'select name from domains where status = 0 and cert_rep_id != 0' $mysql_end = 'psa | Out-File $file' Invoke-Expression "& $mysql $mysql_options '$mysql_query' $mysql_end" (Get-Content $file | Select-Object -Skip 1) | Set-Content $file $a = Get-Content $file

ForEach ($dom in $a) { Invoke-Expression "& $app $option $dom" } Remove-Item $file