plexguide /

PlexGuide is a comprehensive Docker container management solution designed for Ubuntu & Debian OS. While it specializes in deploying media server applications like Plex, the platform incorporates Traefik as a reverse proxy and offers CloudFlare tunnel integration to access to your containerized services.
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PG 10 Release Roadmap #855

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

PG 10 will break everything! Seriously. This is a WIP roadmap of what we want PG 10 to be.

This may enable multi-user environments, but needs to be proven. This will solve the custom exclusions we must add to pgclone as the community adds custom downloaders. This also just considates everything down to be under 1 folder (by default)

This new structure will consolidate

New directory structure and layout:

rclone mountpoints: $dataLocation/remote/{tdrive/gdrive/tcrypt/gcrypt}

mergerfs (aka $dataLocation/pgunion ) will merge together $dataLocation/local/complete and $dataLocation/local/upload We will try to drop the move and pgblitz folders in favor just 1 upload folder.

Change menus and settings to go with new structure. ability to set the new vars as listed above

So by the end of this /mnt and /opt, /var/plexguide/ and custom bins under /bin no longer exist.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@Admin9705 @stephenc87 let me know what you think?

stephenc87 commented 5 years ago

I like what I see already, security would be improved and the increase use of variables makes so many things easier to manage The layout bugs me a little, could improve the structure inside $InstallLocation for example making use of $InstallLocation/etc $InstallLocation/var/log and $InstallLocation/mnt will help keep things tidy and make it easier to debug and make packages for $InstallLocation/opt would prove great for power users who want to test their own scripts with PG

Will the next release be mostly a rewrite? It's certainly due soon..... but when?

I don't mean to sound like a broken record either, but a name change to reflect the project more accurately is beginning to appear more and more reasonable, PlexGuide is now more then just PlexGuide, it's a modular suite of scripts that help the user configure their system with a sense of automation

ghost commented 5 years ago

I like the structure I set forth and dislike var /etc /mnt /etc.

The layout I'm proposing is simple and makes more sense to people unfamiliar with the linux layout. I personally find organizing stuff by domain/module/feature increases maintainability and decreases movement among directory trees.

There isn't going to be a rewrite AFAIK.....What would a rewrite accomplish, refactoring the code in phases is always a better approach.

This layout may never happen and don't plan on doing this for a while. It would highly depend on making arr and plex upgrade scripts to modify the dbs.

I'm less concerned about niche scope creep.

Admin9705 commented 5 years ago

lol skipping 9 haha j/k like windows 10?

Admin9705 commented 5 years ago

lets close this and put on the discord or forums :D