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No such file or directory "/home/x/.emacs.d/init.el" #29

Open cuppajoeman opened 4 years ago

cuppajoeman commented 4 years ago

I get this error on a fresh install of void linux using emacs 26.3.

chi-xigua commented 3 years ago

Because you didn't leave much info or how to recreate this issue, I'll assume that you:

  1. Installed emacs26 on void.
  2. Cloned this project.
  3. Ran the install script.
  4. Tried to run the "default" emacs with either emacs or emacs --with-profile default in your shell.
  5. When it opened up- this error showed in the pop-up window toward the bottom.

Generally if something is not found it's because it isn't installed or not created. Which is most likely the case here. This error isn't so much saying it's broken, but more that it can't do what it's being told to do. It can be "fixed" by creating the file init.el in the .emacs.d/ directory, you don't even have to put anything in it- it's a config file. You can read more about it here. It will also help to read about chemacs particularly this section of the readme.

(p.s. it's helpful when you have an issue to provide as much info you have about it for people to build on)

Delanii commented 3 years ago

I have today noticed the same issue; well, error message, but as you write, it doesnt seem that anything is broken.