plezanje-net / api

NestJS GraphQL web server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Refactor list] Notes on possible refactor tasks #131

Open salamca opened 2 years ago

salamca commented 2 years ago


Route entity has a field named routeType whereas crag entity has a field named type

Rename current Admin role to Editor

snake_case db collumn names. (If we decide to do it. needs some more discussion)

activity <--> activity_route there is a slight confusion in naming this relation: in many places it activity_routes are called just routes, which might lead to thinking that these are actual routes when in fact they are entries in a pivot table... should think about renaming it to activity_route in all occurrences.

remove column status from crag table column status is deprecated instead of it, we have 2 other columns now> publishStatus and isHidden

also sector table has a status column, which it seems was reduced to publishStatus, but there is no isHidden column

remove db triggers and implement same logic in api