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An introduction to programming language theory in Agda
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Slow workflow for contributors #1018

Open nrnrnr opened 1 month ago

nrnrnr commented 1 month ago

As a contributor, if I want to refine text that I am editing, the only instruction I have from _site/Contributing/index.html is make build. But make build takes over 3 minutes even on a relatively beefy machine. When editing a document and viewing the changes, 3 minutes is not an acceptable turnaround time.

There must be a Makefile target somewhere that simply rebuilds the HTML of any file that has changed. That target should be documented in _site/Contributing/index.html. (If I knew the target I would submit a PR.)

It would be even better if HTML could be rebuilt without minifying.

wenkokke commented 1 month ago

That is what make build should do, so I'm unsure what's going wrong.

wenkokke commented 1 month ago

For reference, the build logic is defined in tools/Buildfile.hs.

There's probably some bug that snuck into the dependencies. Maybe due to the epub? That needs to be rebuilt after every change, and it's a bit hefty.

wenkokke commented 1 month ago

@nrnrnr Could you try running

MODE=dev cabal v2-run builder -- build
nrnrnr commented 1 month ago

I hope this is of some use. If you want, I can annotate a version that will timestamp each line of output.

nr@homedog ~/n/plfa [1]> /usr/bin/time env MODE=dev cabal v2-run builder -- build
Using Agda standard library version v1.7.2
# agda (for OracleQ (AgdaVersionQuery ()))
Using Agda version 2.6.3-c4a7cfa-dirty
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# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment4/courses/TSPL/2023/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment3/courses/TSPL/2023/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment2/courses/TSPL/2023/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment1/courses/TSPL/2023/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Exam/courses/TSPL/2023/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Eval/courses/TSPL/2022/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment4/courses/TSPL/2022/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment3/courses/TSPL/2022/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment2/courses/TSPL/2022/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment1/courses/TSPL/2022/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Exam/courses/TSPL/2019/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment4/courses/TSPL/2019/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment3/courses/TSPL/2019/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment2/courses/TSPL/2019/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/Assignment1/courses/TSPL/2019/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Substitution/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part3.Soundness/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Relations/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Quantifiers/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Properties/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Negation/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Naturals/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.More/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Lists/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Lambda/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Isomorphism/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Inference/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Induction/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.backmatter.Fonts/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Equality/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part3.Denotational/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Decidable/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.DeBruijn/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part3.ContextualEquivalence/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part1.Connectives/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Confluence/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part3.Compositional/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.Bisimulation/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part2.BigStep/src/
# agda (for _cache/raw_agda_html/plfa.part3.Adequacy/src/
# ebook-polish (for _site/plfa.epub)
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nrnrnr commented 1 month ago

(For now, I am getting by with cabal v2-run builder _site/Confluence/index.html and similar.)

nrnrnr commented 1 month ago

Is it possible that make build is forcing git to change to the dev branch? Because I'm doing my development on another branch.

wenkokke commented 1 month ago

Is it possible that make build is forcing git to change to the dev branch? Because I'm doing my development on another branch.

I don't think so.

wadler commented 1 month ago

Yes, that is a problem. Fixing it takes resources, and I'm encouraging Wen to finish her dissertation rather than to improve PLFA. Go well, – P