plietar / librespot

Open Source Spotify client library
MIT License
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mdns: Failed to register IPv6 receiver #217

Open colinramsay opened 7 years ago

colinramsay commented 7 years ago

This setup worked until recently. I run this on a Raspberry Pi powered by OSMC, so it could be related to their most recent update, but it's hard to debug where the problem lies.

> /home/osmc/spotify/librespot --name pi --cache /tmp

INFO:librespot: librespot aa86ebf (2017-07-09). Built on 2017-07-13.
WARN:mdns: Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Error { repr: Os { code: 19, message: "No such device" } }

After that there's no more output and it doesn't show as a device to connect to. Previously this worked like a charm. Any pointers? Thanks!

jurisv commented 7 years ago

Same error here.. On a MAC 10.12.6

vkolotov commented 7 years ago

Same error here. RPi with volumio:

CelsoSantos commented 6 years ago

I too have this issue on an RPi3 with latest OSMC installed.

SirJohnDoe commented 5 years ago

And it's a year later and this issue is still happening...

kingosticks commented 5 years ago

Somebody experiencing the issue is going to have to dig into why the ipv6 flavour isn't working on their system. Is it even enabled? How's it configured? At least provide the output of ifconfig.

kingosticks commented 5 years ago

Actually I take that back. It seems very possible that osmc decided to disable ipv6 for some reason. But obviously everything should still work so a debug log would also be useful.

ashthespy commented 5 years ago

Maybe this helps -

KUKARAF commented 5 years ago

@ashthespy It fixed my issue. Thank you