plk / biblatex-apa

APA style for BibLaTeX
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Proposal: Use et al. for APA in spanish instead of "y col." and "y" instead of "&" #136

Closed edurojasr closed 2 years ago

edurojasr commented 3 years ago

Hi! thanks for the great package

In the Spanish APA package.

May I propose use "et al." instead of "y col." and in the bibliography instead of using "&" use a single "y"

This is because the APA Style 7th Edition in Spanish (Guía Normas APA 7ª edición) Specifies the use of et al. and y, you can verify this here:

and here:

Others packages uses this parameter

andothers = {{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}},

So I think in this case works the same, if people wants to use the "y col." which is not standard they should use \DefineBibliographyStrings in the main.tex

Thanks for considering this!

edurojasr commented 3 years ago

So I've been searching a little bit of how to change the "&" by "y".

this is my complete solution:

First I define

\DefineBibliographyStrings{spanish}{ andothers = {et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}, and = {y}, } This replace de "y cols." with et al. and change the "and" string with "y"

Then thanks to this answer:

`\DeclareDelimFormat*{finalnamedelim} {\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\bibstring{and}\space}

\DeclareDelimFormat[bib]{finalnamedelim}{% \ifthenelse{\value{listcount}>\maxprtauth} {} {\ifthenelse{\value{liststop}>2} {\finalandcomma\addspace\bibstring{and}\space} {\addspace\bibstring{and}\space}}}

\DeclareDelimFormat[bib]{finalnamedelim:apa:family-given}{% \ifthenelse{\value{listcount}>\maxprtauth} {} {\ifthenelse{\ifcurrentname{groupauthor}\AND% \value{liststop}=2} {\addspace\bibstring{and}\space} {\finalandcomma\addspace\bibstring{and}\space}}}`

This chanage all the "&" for "and" so after this "and" gets changed for "y"

I'm using this because "&" its not standard in APA 7th in Spanish in the same way "y cols" aren't

Hope this help!

rmolina commented 2 years ago

I would not use as a reference. That's not an official translation.

Manual Moderno usually publishes Spanish editions of the APA manual, and their translations seem to be endorsed by APA. See, for example,

Here is a link to their translation of the APA 7 Manual:

I don't have this translation of APA 7 yet, but I have the one for APA 6, and they use "et al." rather than "y cols.", therefore, I agree with this change, and I have always changed this string in my texts.

However, I'm afraid I have to disagree with using "y" rather than "&," even if Manual Moderno says so (I think they do). My reason for disagreeing is because we don't always use "y" in Spanish. We also use "e" before words starting with the sound /i/ (but not always!, e.g., "¿y Inés?" rather than "¿e Inés?"). See "Conjunción copulativa" in:

This situation is not easily solvable in software. We could default to "y" and allow the user to override the conjunction to "e" via a parameter. However, I frequently cite authors whose names I do not know how to pronounce. Why should I care about this when using "&" solves the issue?

edurojasr commented 2 years ago

I agree with everything you've said!


rmolina commented 2 years ago

I just found the Errata for Manual Moderno's APA 7 translation:

As seen in their changes to Figure 8.6, they no longer use "y" in parenthetical citations. It is, of course, still used for in-text citations. But those are easy to override when we need an "e" rather than an "y": We can write the names manually and use \citeyear{}.

plk commented 2 years ago

So, is there then a consensus on what we should change for the Spanish .lbx file as I am planning a new release shortly.

edurojasr commented 2 years ago

Hi @plk

Since both @rmolina and I agree, and the documentation indicates it the change from "y col." to "et. al." is a most to have.

the other change, "&" to "y" as @rmolina says is more complicated, since in Spanish with have this condition of writhing "y" or "e" depending on the fallowing letter and the rules of APA 7 Errata that @rmolina linked changed, I don't have a strong opinion on this. Maybe @rmolina may help us in this.

form me +1 for the "y col." to "et al." change.

plk commented 2 years ago

Will be in the next biblatex version.