plk / biblatex-apa

APA style for BibLaTeX
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Missing month and day on @article #142

Closed Hen-Rex closed 3 years ago

Hen-Rex commented 3 years ago


APA 7th ed. requires an article to be shown in the bibliography like this:

Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.

However, the latest version of biblatex-apa omits the month and date of the newspaper article, like this:

Carey, B. (2019). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.

    location = {New York, {NY}},
    title = {Can we get better at forgetting},
    url = {},
    journaltitle = {The New York Times},
    author = {Carey, B.},
    date = {2018-03-22},
    langid = {english},

It shows fine if I choose the @online / @misc type, although it shows [New York Times] in square brackets, and I do not want that.

moewew commented 3 years ago

You'll want to specify entrysubtype = {nonacademic}, for this entry which tells biblatex-apa that you are dealing with a non-academic journal that should be cited with full date.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

  entrysubtype = {nonacademic},
  author       = {Carey, B.},
  title        = {Can we get better at forgetting?},
  date         = {2019-03-22},
  journaltitle = {The New York Times},
  location     = {New York, NY},
  url          = {},
  langid       = {english},

Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson,carey}


biblatex-apa comes with a comprehensive example .bib file,, which contains examples for (almost?) all examples in the APA manual. For this question the interesting entries are

See also and

Hen-Rex commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I missed that.

Do you know of any way to manually specify that field in Zotero?

moewew commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I don't use Zotero and know next to nothing about its biblatex export. I do know, however, that "Better BibTeX for Zotero" ( makes it possible to tweak the Zotero export quite a bit and found on the homepage which seems like it could help. But maybe there is a more elegant way if Zotero has a marker for newspaper/non-academic articles vs journal/academic articles that could be leveraged here.