plk / biblatex-apa

APA style for BibLaTeX
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in spanish, biblatex-apa takes "¿" symbol into account when ordering references #197

Closed daolchang closed 1 year ago

daolchang commented 1 year ago

Hello, I came across this issue because of multiple references with sameauthor and sameyear where a reference starting with "¿Que..." was put at the top when the "Q" should have been taken into account. More details in this post:

The solution proposed definitely fixed it, but it is something that would be very useful to incorporate for compatibility with language localizations or rare titles that use other symbols. Also for a bilingual spanish/english reference list, this would take care of the "¿" issue as well as the leading words in spanish that according to APA 7th should be excluded from ordering.

\DeclareNosort{ \nosort{setnames}{\regexp{\p{General_Category=Punctuation}}} \nosort{settitles}{\regexp{\A\p{General_Category=Punctuation}+}} \nosort{settitles}{\regexp{\A(?:The|An|A|El|La|Los|Las)\s+}} }

Thanks in advance!

plk commented 1 year ago

This is exactly why the \DeclareNosort macro exists but we can't really put in much in the way of default settings for this as it is very language/application specific, as you have proven ...