plk / biblatex-apa

APA style for BibLaTeX
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Incorrect: German output format for time periods #200

Open Nine-Lives-Cat opened 1 year ago

Nine-Lives-Cat commented 1 year ago

I would like to cite a conference abstract within the biblatex-apa style but the german output of the time period of the conference seems to be wrong. It is (2020, 12. Juli–14.) instead of (2020, 12.–14. Juli) in the MWE. Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem?


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, headsepline=true]{scrbook}
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber, uniquename=false, uniquelist = false]{biblatex}


  AUTHOR         = {M Mustermann and E Musterfrau},
  TITLE          = {Test titel of a very intersting abstract},
  TITLEADDON     = {Konferenzvortrag Abstrakt},
  EVENTTITLE     = {Test Konferenz},
  URL            = {},
  EVENTDATE      = {2020-07-12/2020-07-14}






My output:

Mustermann, M., & Musterfrau, E. (2020, 12. Juli–14.). Test titel of a very intersting
abstract [Konferenzvortrag Abstrakt]. Test Konferenz.
plk commented 1 year ago

Can we confirm what the correct format for date ranges should be for German?

2020-07-12/2020-07-14 -> 2020, 12.–14. Juli
2020-07-12/2020-08-14 -> 2020, 12. Juli-8. August
2020-07-12/2021-07-14 -> 2020, 12. Juli-2021, 14. Juli
2020-07/2020-08 -> 2020, Juli-August
2020-07/2021-08 -> 2020, Juli-2021, August
PsychicBirdy commented 1 year ago

Can we confirm what the correct format for date ranges should be for German?

2020-07-12/2020-07-14 -> 2020, 12.–14. Juli
2020-07-12/2020-08-14 -> 2020, 12. Juli-8. August
2020-07-12/2021-07-14 -> 2020, 12. Juli-2021, 14. Juli
2020-07/2020-08 -> 2020, Juli-August
2020-07/2021-08 -> 2020, Juli-2021, August

This looks all good to me.

plk commented 1 year ago

You can try out a fix by getting this file:

find out where your current version of that file is with:

kpsewhich ngerman.lbx

and replacing it (might want to back up the original first). Should be fixed with this new file. If this is alright, I am planning to release the new version of the style this week with the fix in there.