plk / biblatex-apa

APA style for BibLaTeX
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Multiple works with the same author and year are not displayed according to APA7 standards. #210

Open Erd4 opened 1 year ago

Erd4 commented 1 year ago

When citing multiple works of the same author and same year. Instead of displaying the in-text citation (\autocites[pp. 10-11]{NetflixInc.2002NetflixReport}[pp. 10-11]{NetflixInc.2003NetflixReport}[pp. 11-12]{NetflixInc.2004NetflixReport}) like this:

(Netflix Inc., 2002, p. 10-11, 2003, pp. 10-11, 2004, pp. 11-12)

the citation ends up looking like this:

(Netflix Inc., 2002, pp. 10-11; Netflix Inc., 2003, pp. 10-11; Netflix Inc., 2004, pp. 11-12)

plk commented 10 months ago

Can you put in here a small MWE so I can easily reproduce?