plk / biblatex

biblatex is a sophisticated bibliography system for LaTeX users. It has considerably more features than traditional bibtex and supports UTF-8
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Support for Slovene #205

Closed terida closed 10 years ago

terida commented 10 years ago

I followed the instructions from and created a slovene.lbx and a slovene-apa.lbx file. I also have answers for all nine "extra" questions.

What now? Where do I submit the files?

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

slovene.lbx should be submitted here, either by a pull request to the dev branch or just copy and paste as a comment. Answers to the "extra" questions can be given as a comment as well. Anything specific to biblatex-apa should go to that package's github repo.

terida commented 10 years ago


  bibliography     = {{Literatura}{Literatura}},
  references       = {{Literatura}{Literatura}},
  shorthands       = {{Kratice}{Kratice}},
  editor           = {{urednik}{ur\adddot}},
  editors          = {{uredniki}{ur\adddot}},
  compiler         = {{sestavljalec}{sest\adddot}},
  compilers        = {{sestavljalci}{sest\adddot}},
  redactor         = {{redaktor}{redaktor}},
  redactors        = {{redaktorji}{redaktorji}},
  reviser          = {{korektor}{korektor}},
  revisers         = {{korektorji}{korektorji}},
  founder          = {{snovalec}{snovalec}},
  founders         = {{snovalci}{snovalci}},
  continuator      = {{nadaljevalec}{nadaljevalec}},
  continuators     = {{nadaljevalci}{nadaljevalci}},
  collaborator     = {{sodelavec}{sod\adddot}},
  collaborators    = {{sodelavci}{sod\adddot}},
  translator       = {{prevajalec}{prev\adddot}},
  translators      = {{prevajalci}{prev\adddot}},
  commentator      = {{komentator}{komentator}},
  commentators     = {{komentatorji}{komentatorji}},
  annotator        = {{anotator}{anotator}},
  annotators       = {{anotatorji}{anotatorji}},
  commentary       = {{komentar}{komentar}},
  annotations      = {{opombe}{op\adddot}},
  introduction     = {{uvod}{uvod}},
  foreword         = {{predgovor}{predg\adddot}},
  afterword        = {{spremna beseda}{spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
    editortr         = {{urednik in prevajalec}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in prev\adddot}},
  editorstr        = {{uredniki in prevajalci}%
                      {ur\adddotspace and prev\adddot}},
  editorco         = {{urednik in komentator}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentator}},
  editorsco        = {{uredniki in komentatorji}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentatorji}},
  editoran         = {{urednik in anotator}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotator}},
  editorsan        = {{uredniki in anotatorji}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotatorji}},
  editorin         = {{urednik in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorsin        = {{uredniki in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorfo         = {{urednik in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorsfo        = {{uredniki in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editoraf         = {{urednik in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorsaf        = {{uredniki in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editortrco       = {{urednik, prevajalec in komentator}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in komentator}},
  editorstrco      = {{uredniki, prevajalci in komentatorji}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in komentatorji}},
  editortran       = {{urednik, prevajalec in anotator}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in anotator}},
  editorstran      = {{uredniki, prevajalci in anotatorji}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in anotatorji}},
  editortrin       = {{urednik, prevajalec in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorstrin      = {{uredniki, prevajalci in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editortrfo       = {{urednik, prevajalec in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorstrfo      = {{uredniki, prevajalci in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editortraf       = {{urednik, prevajalec in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorstraf      = {{uredniki, prevajalci in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorcoin       = {{urednik, komentator in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorscoin      = {{uredniki, komentatorji in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorcofo       = {{urednik, komentator in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorscofo      = {{uredniki, komentatorji in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorcoaf       = {{urednik, komentator in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorscoaf      = {{uredniki, komentatorji in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editoranin       = {{urednik, anotator in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorsanin      = {{uredniki, anotatorji in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editoranfo       = {{urednik, anotator in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorsanfo      = {{uredniki, anotatorji in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editoranaf       = {{urednik, anotator in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorsanaf      = {{uredniki, anotatorji in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editortrcoin     = {{urednik, prevajalec, komentator in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorstrcoin    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, komentatorji in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editortrcofo     = {{urednik, prevajalec, komentator in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorstrcofo    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, komentatorji in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editortrcoaf     = {{urednik, prevajalec, komentator in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentator in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorstrcoaf    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, komentatorji in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, komentatorji in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editortranin     = {{urednik, prevajalec, anotator in avtor uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editorstranin    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, anotatorji in avtorji uvoda}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace uvoda}},
  editortranfo     = {{urednik, prevajalec, anotator in avtor predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editorstranfo    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, anotatorji in avtorji predgovora}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace predg\adddot}},
  editortranaf     = {{urednik, prevajalec, anotator in avtor spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotator in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  editorstranaf    = {{uredniki, prevajalci, anotatorji in avtorji spremne besede}%
                      {ur\adddotspace, prev\adddotspace, anotatorji in avt\adddotspace spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatorco     = {{prevajalec in komentator}%
                      {prev\adddotspace in komentator}},
  translatorsco    = {{prevajalci in komentatorji}%
                      {prev\adddotspace in komentatorji}}
  translatoran     = {{prevajalec in anotator}%
                      {prev\adddotspace in anotator}},
  translatorsan    = {{prevajalci in anotatorji}%
                      {prev\adddotspace in anotatorji}},
  translatorin     = {{avtor prevoda in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in uvoda}},
  translatorsin    = {{avtorji prevoda in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in uvoda}},
  translatorfo     = {{avtor prevoda in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in predg\adddot}},
  translatorsfo    = {{avtorji prevoda in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in predg\adddot}},
  translatoraf     = {{avtor prevoda in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatorsaf    = {{avtorji prevoda in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatorcoin   = {{avtor prevoda, komentarja in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in uvoda}},
  translatorscoin  = {{avtorji prevoda, komentarja in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in uvoda}},
  translatorcofo   = {{avtor prevoda, komentarja in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in predg\adddot}},
  translatorscofo  = {{avtorji prevoda, komentarja in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in predg\adddot}},
  translatorcoaf   = {{avtor prevoda, komentarja in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatorscoaf  = {{avtorji prevoda, komentarja in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, komentarja in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatoranin   = {{avtor prevoda, opomb in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in uvoda}},
  translatorsanin  = {{avtorji prevoda, opomb in uvoda}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in uvoda}},
  translatoranfo   = {{avtor prevoda, opomb in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in predg\adddot}},
  translatorsanfo  = {{avtorji prevoda, opomb in predgovora}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in predg\adddot}},
  translatoranaf   = {{avtor prevoda, opomb in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  translatorsanaf  = {{avtorji prevoda, opomb in spremne besede}%
                      {avt\adddotspace prev\adddotspace, opomb in spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  byauthor         = {{}{}}
  byeditor         = {{uredil}{ur\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bycompiler       = {{sestavil}{sest\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byredactor       = {{oblikoval}{oblik\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byreviser        = {{koregiral}{koregiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byreviewer       = {{recenziral}{recenziral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byfounder        = {{snoval}{snoval}},% FIXME: unsure
  bycontinuator    = {{nadaljeval}{nadaljeval}},% FIXME: unsure
  bycollaborator   = {{v sodelovanju z}{v sod\adddotspace z}},
  bytranslator     = {{prevedel}{prev\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bycommentator    = {{komentiral}{komentiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byannotator      = {{anotiral}{anotiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  withcommentator  = {{s komentarjem}{s komentarjem}},
  withannotator    = {{z opombami}{z opombami}},
  withintroduction = {{z uvodom}{z uvodom}},
  withforeword     = {{s predgovorom}{s predg\adddot}},
  withafterword    = {{s spremno besedo}{s spr\adddotspace b\adddot}},
  byeditortr       = {{uredil in prevedel}%
                      {uredil in prevedel}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorco       = {{uredil in komentiral}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditoran       = {{uredil in anotiral}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorin       = {{uredil, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorfo       = {{uredil, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditoraf       = {{uredil, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrco     = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortran     = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrin     = {{uredil in prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrfo     = {{uredil in prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortraf     = {{uredil in prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorcoin     = {{uredil in komentiral, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorcofo     = {{uredil in komentiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditorcoaf     = {{uredil in komentiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in komentiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditoranin     = {{uredil in anotiral, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditoranfo     = {{uredil in anotiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditoranaf     = {{uredil in anotiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace in anotiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrcoin   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrcofo   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortrcoaf   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortranin   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, z uvodom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortranfo   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  byeditortranaf   = {{uredil, prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {ur\adddotspace prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorco   = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatoran   = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorin   = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, z uvodom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorfo   = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, s predgovorom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatoraf   = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang, s spremno besedo}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorcoin = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, z uvodom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorcofo = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatorcoaf = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in komentiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in komentiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatoranin = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, z uvodom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, z uvodom}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatoranfo = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, s predgovorom}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, s predg\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  bytranslatoranaf = {{prevedel \lbx@lfromlang\ in anotiral, s spremno besedo}%
                      {prev\adddot\ \lbx@sfromlang\ in anotiral, s sprem\adddotspace b\adddot}},% FIXME: unsure
  and              = {{in}{in}},
  andothers        = {{in sodelavci}{in sod\adddot}},
  andmore          = {{idr\adddot}{idr\adddot}},
  volume           = {{zvezek}{zv\adddot}},
  volumes          = {{zvezki}{zv\adddot}},
  involumes        = {{v}{v}},
  jourvol          = {{letnik}{let\adddot}},
  jourser          = {{zbirka}{zbirka}},
  book             = {{knjiga}{knj\adddot}},
  part             = {{del}{del}},
  issue            = {{\v{s}tevilka}{\v{s}t\adddot}},
  newseries        = {{nova zbirka}{nova zbirka}},
  oldseries        = {{stara zbirka}{stara zbirka}},
  edition          = {{izdaja}{izd\adddot}},
  reprint          = {{ponatis}{ponatis}},
  reprintof        = {{ponatis}{ponatis}},
  reprintas        = {{ponatisnjeno kot}{ponatisnjeno kot}},
  reprintfrom      = {{ponatisnjeno iz}{ponatisnjeno iz}},
  %reviewof         = {{recenzija}{recenzija}},% FIXME: unsure
  translationof    = {{prevod}{prev\adddot}},
  translationas    = {{prevedeno kot}{prev\adddotspace kot}},
  translationfrom  = {{prevedeno iz}{prev\adddotspace iz}},
  origpubas        = {{izvirna izdaja}{izvirna izd\adddot}},
  origpubin        = {{izvirno izdano v}{izvirno izdano v}},
  astitle          = {{}{}},
  bypublisher      = {{}{}},
  page             = {{stran}{str\adddot}},
  pages            = {{strani}{str\adddot}},
  column           = {{stolpec}{st\adddot}},
  columns          = {{stolpci}{st\adddot}},
  line             = {{vrstica}{v\adddot}},
  lines            = {{vrstice}{v\adddot}},
  nodate           = {{brez datuma}{b\adddot d\adddot}},
  verse            = {{verz}{v\adddot}},
  verses           = {{verzi}{v\adddot}},
  section          = {{razdelek}{\S}},
  sections         = {{razdelek}{\S\S}},
  paragraph        = {{odstavek}{odstavek}},
  paragraphs       = {{odstavki}{odstavki}},
  in               = {{v}{v}},
  inseries         = {{v zbirki}{v zbirki}},
  ofseries         = {{iz zbirke}{iz zbirke}},
  number           = {{\v{s}tevilka}{\v{s}t\adddot}},
  chapter          = {{poglavje}{pogl\adddot}},
  mathesis         = {{Magistrsko delo}{Magistrsko delo}},
  phdthesis        = {{Doktorska disertacija}{Doktorska disertacija}},
  %candthesis       = {{Candidate thesis}{Cand\adddotspace thesis}},% FIXME: don't know
  resreport        = {{Raziskovalno poro\v{c}ilo}{Razisk\adddotspace poro\v{c}ilo}},
  techreport       = {{Tehni\v{c}no poro\v{c}ilo}{Teh\adddotspace poro\v{c}ilo}},
  software         = {{Ra\v{c}unalni\v{s}ki program}{Ra\v{c}\adddotspace prog\adddot}},
  datacd           = {{CD-ROM}{CD-ROM}},
  audiocd          = {{avdio CD}{avdio CD}},
  version          = {{verzija}{ver\adddot}},
  url              = {{spletni naslov}{spletni naslov}},
  urlfrom          = {{dostopno na}{dostopno na}},
  urlseen          = {{pridobljeno}{pridobljeno}},
  inpreparation    = {{v pripravi}{v pripravi}},
  submitted        = {{poslano v objavo}{poslano v objavo}},
  %forthcoming      = {{forthcoming}{forthcoming}},% FIXME: don't know
  inpress          = {{v tisku}{v tisku}},
  %prepublished     = {{pre-published}{pre-published}},% FIXME: don't know
  citedas          = {{v nadaljevanju citirano kot}{v nadalj\adddotspace cit\adddotspace kot}},
  thiscite         = {{posebno}{posebno}},
  seenote          = {{glej opombo}{gl\adddotspace op\adddot}},
  quotedin         = {{citirano v}{cit\adddotspace v}},
  idem             = {{isti}{id\adddot}},
  idemsm           = {{isti}{id\adddot}},
  idemsf           = {{ista}{id\adddot}},
  idemsn           = {{isto}{id\adddot}},
  idempm           = {{isti}{id\adddot}},
  idempf           = {{iste}{id\adddot}},
  idempn           = {{ista}{id\adddot}},
  idempp           = {{isti}{id\adddot}},
  ibidem           = {{prav tam}{ibid\adddot}},
  %opcit            = {{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}},% FIXME: don't know
  %loccit           = {{loc\adddotspace cit\adddot}{loc\adddotspace cit\adddot}},% FIXME: don't know
  confer           = {{primerjaj}{prim\adddot}},
  %sequens          = {{sq\adddot}{sq\adddot}},% FIXME: don't know
  %sequentes        = {{sqq\adddot}{sqq\adddot}},% FIXME: don't know
  %passim           = {{passim}{pass\adddot}},% FIXME: don't know
  see              = {{glej}{gl\adddot}},
  seealso          = {{glej tudi}{gl\adddotspace tudi}},
  backrefpage      = {{citirano na strani}{cit\adddotspace na str\adddot}},
  backrefpages     = {{citirano na straneh}{cit\adddotspace na str\adddot}},
  january          = {{januar}{jan\adddot}},
  february         = {{februar}{feb\adddot}},
  march            = {{marec}{mar\adddot}},
  april            = {{april}{apr\adddot}},
  may              = {{maj}{maj}},
  june             = {{junij}{jun\adddot}},
  july             = {{julij}{jul\adddot}},
  august           = {{avgust}{avg\adddot}},
  september        = {{september}{sep\adddot}},
  october          = {{oktober}{okt\adddot}},
  november         = {{november}{nov\adddot}},
  december         = {{december}{dec\adddot}},
  langamerican     = {{angle\v{s}\v{c}ina}{angl\adddot}},
  langbrazilian    = {{brazil\v{s}\v{c}ina}{braz\adddot}},
  langcatalan      = {{katalon\v{s}\v{c}ina}{kat\adddot}},
  langcroatian     = {{hrva\v{s}\v{c}ina}{hrv\adddot}},
  langczech        = {{\v{c}e\v{s}\v{c}ina}{\v{c}e\v{s}\adddot}},
  langdanish       = {{dan\v{s}\v{c}ina}{dan\adddot}},
  langdutch        = {{nizozem\v{s}\v{c}ina}{niz\adddot}},
  langenglish      = {{angle\v{s}\v{c}ina}{angl\adddot}},
  langfinnish      = {{fin\v{s}\v{c}ina}{fin\adddot}},
  langfrench       = {{franco\v{s}\v{c}ina}{fr\adddot}},
  langgerman       = {{nem\v{s}\v{c}ina}{nem\adddot}},
  langgreek        = {{gr\v{s}\v{c}ina}{gr\adddot}},
  langitalian      = {{italijan\v{s}\v{c}ina}{it\adddot}},
  langlatin        = {{latin\v{s}\v{c}ina}{lat\adddot}},
  langnorwegian    = {{norve\v{s}\v{c}ina}{nor\adddot}},
  langpolish       = {{polj\v{s}\v{c}ina}{polj\adddot}},
  langportuguese   = {{portugal\v{s}\v{c}ina}{por\adddot}},
  langrussian      = {{ru\v{s}\v{c}ina}{ru\adddot}},
  langspanish      = {{\v{s}pan\v{s}\v{c}ina}{\v{s}p\adddot}},
  langswedish      = {{\v{s}ved\v{s}\v{c}ina}{\v{s}ved\adddot}},
  fromamerican     = {{iz angle\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz angl\adddot}},
  frombrazilian    = {{iz brazil\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz braz\adddot}},
  fromcatalan      = {{iz katalon\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz kat\adddot}},
  fromcroatian     = {{iz hrva\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz hrv\adddot}},
  fromczech        = {{iz \v{c}e\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz \v{c}e\v{s}\adddot}},
  fromdanish       = {{iz dan\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz dan\adddot}},
  fromdutch        = {{iz nizozem\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz niz\adddot}},
  fromenglish      = {{iz angle\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz angl\adddot}},
  fromfinnish      = {{iz fin\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz fin\adddot}},
  fromfrench       = {{iz franco\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz fr\adddot}},
  fromgerman       = {{iz nem\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz nem\adddot}},
  fromgreek        = {{iz gr\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz gr\adddot}},
  fromitalian      = {{iz italijan\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz it\adddot}},
  fromlatin        = {{iz latin\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz lat\adddot}},
  fromnorwegian    = {{iz norve\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz nor\adddot}},
  frompolish       = {{iz polj\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz polj\adddot}},
  fromportuguese   = {{iz portugal\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz por\adddot}},
  fromrussian      = {{iz ru\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz ru\adddot}},
  fromspanish      = {{iz \v{s}pan\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz \v{s}p\adddot}},
  fromswedish      = {{iz \v{s}ved\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz \v{s}ved\adddot}},
  countryde        = {{Nem\v{c}ija}{Nem\v{c}ija}},
  countryeu        = {{Evropska unija}{EU}},
  countryep        = {{Evropska unija}{EP}},
  countryfr        = {{Francija}{Francija}},
  countryuk        = {{Velika Britanija}{VB}},
  countryus        = {{Zdru\v{z}ene dr\v{z}ave Amerike}{ZDA}},
  patent           = {{patent}{patent}},
  patentde         = {{nem\v{s}ki patent}{nem\v{s}ki patent}},
  patenteu         = {{evropski patent}{evropski patent}},
  patentfr         = {{francoski patent}{francoski patent}},
  patentuk         = {{britanski patent}{britanski patent}},
  patentus         = {{patent v ZDA}{patent v ZDA}},
  patreq           = {{patentna prijava}{patentna prijava}},
  patreqde         = {{prijava nem\v{s}kega patenta}{prijava nem\v{s}kega patenta}},
  patreqeu         = {{prijava evropskega patenta}{prijava evropskega patenta}},
  patreqfr         = {{prijava francoskega patenta}{prijava francoskega patenta}},
  patrequk         = {{prijava britanskega patenta}{prijava britanskega patenta}},
  patrequs         = {{prijava patenta v ZDA}{prijava patenta v ZDA}},
  file             = {{datoteka}{datoteka}},
  library          = {{knji\v{z}nica}{knji\v{z}nica}},
  abstract         = {{povzetek}{povzetek}},
  annotation       = {{opomba}{op\adddot}},

terida commented 10 years ago

Q1: What kind of dash do you use in number ranges like "35-50"? Are there any spaces around the dash? A1: \textendash, there are no spaces around it

Q2. What kind of dash do you use in date ranges like "1st January-3rd February 2009"? Are there any spaces around the dash? A2: \textendash, there are no spaces around it

Q3: In lists and enumerations, do you add a comma in addition to connectors like "and"? A3: No comma

Q4: How do you format short ordinals? Are ordinals gender/number sensitive? A4: 1. 2. 3. ... They are gender/number insensitive (as in German)

Q5: What's the gender of the word "edition"? A5: Feminine

Q6: What's the gender of the word "series" (of a journal)? A6: Feminine

Q7: What's the long date format? A7: 31. januar 2009

Q8: What's the short date format? Q8: 31. 1. 2009

Q9: After which punctuation marks do you capitalize a word? A9: After . ! ? (as in English)

terida commented 10 years ago

As you can see, I decided to submit through the comments.

I have an additional question. Would it be possible to NOT capitalize if not necessary? For example, in the english APA style (but I'm sure other styles do this too), the editors are written as N. Surname (Ed.), while in slovene, it should look like this: N. Surname (ur.) - not (Ur.). Also, the number of the technical report is written as No., while in slovene it should be \v{s}t. - not \v{S}t. Can something be done do about this?

plk commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka - is there any chance you could add this to the dev branch? Can we do something about the capitalisation?

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@plk I think so. I'll get on it this weekend.

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@terida I've incorporated your localization file. Note that with every new file we add new strings - here langslovene and fromslovene. I put them into slovene.lbx as missing for now. We also like to acknowledge contributors. I added your username into the manual as a placeholder. Please let us know how you would like your name to appear.

Regarding capitalization, we can localize casing with \DeclareCapitalPunctuation in the lbx file, but ( is not sentence-ending by default. What characters precede the capitalized number string? In any case I suspect this is an issue for biblatex-apa.

plk commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka - I have the contributor names from the .lbx they did for the APA style - Tea Tušar and Bogdan Filipič

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka many thanks!

If possible, could you update the file with the two new strings:

langslovene     = {{sloven\v{s}\v{c}ina}{sl\adddot}},
fromslovene     = {{iz sloven\v{s}\v{c}ine}{iz sl\adddot}},

The contributors are as written by plk.

Regarding capitalization, the whole string looked like this Tehnicno porocilo St. 23 (St. is No. in Slovene). I realize it's impossible to incorporate all peculiarities of every language, but I was hoping this was doable. Maybe at least in biblatex-apa (@plk)?

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@terida No problem. Just noticed that I neglected to add spaces in short dates (e.g. 31. 1. 2009). Should these be thin or full spaces?

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka The thin ones.

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka @plk I found two problems when using biblatex with the Slovene language - one appears with the APA style and the other with the IEEE style. As I haven't tested other styles, I'm not sure whether the problem is in these two styles or biblatex in general. I hope you don't mind that I'm posting the issue here (let me know if I need to move it elsewhere).

Assume the following bib file:

    title = {Pitagorov izrek},
    year = {2014},
    url = {},
    urldate = {2014-02-01}

    author = {Nikola Novak and Zdravko Kutnjak},
    title = {Basic study of relaxors: materials for high technological devices},
    booktitle = {Zbornik 4. {Š}tudentske konference {M}ednarodne podiplomske šole {Jožefa Stefana}},
    editor = {Dejan Petelin and Aleš Tavčar and Boštjan Kaluža},
    address = {Ljubljana, Slovenija},
    publisher = {{Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana}},
    pages = {275--280},
    year = {2012}

The IEEE style produces a superfluous dot after the year in the online and inproceedings references (the others seem fine):

[1] (2014.). Pitagorov izrek, spletni naslov: 
    (pridobljeno 1. 2. 2014.).
[2] N. Novak in Z. Kutnjak, “Basic study of relaxors: materials for high technological 
    devices”, v Zbornik 4. Študentske konference Mednarodne podiplomske šole 
    Jožefa Stefana, D. Petelin, A. Tavcar in B. Kaluža, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenija: 
    Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2012., str. 275–280.

The APA style handles dates as in English, not Slovene. The online reference looks like this:

Pitagorov izrek. (2014). Pridobljeno februar 1, 2014, iz

but it should be (see the answer to the question no. 7):

Pitagorov izrek. (2014). Pridobljeno 1. februar 2014, iz

Actually, to be truly in-line with the Slovene grammar, it should look like this:

Pitagorov izrek. (2014). Pridobljeno 1. februarja 2014 iz

The februar changes to februarja because of the change of grammatical case after the pridobljeno (retreived) word. Also, there should be no comma after the year in the retrieved date from form. Now, I realize this might be too specific to handle, therefore I propose to write Slovene dates in the short format:

Pitagorov izrek. (2014). Pridobljeno 1. 2. 2014 iz

Can you help with this?

By the way, I'm using the latest versions of slovene.lbx and slovene-apa.lbx with the released biblatex.

plk commented 10 years ago

Have a look at the \DefineBibliographyExtras call in american-apa.lbx for example. This defines the generic date format for the APA style. Some languages override this format (for example german in german-apa.lbx) and so you can do this by copying one of these calls, adding it to the slovene-apa.lbx and then editing it. I'll update the .lbx when you have it working.

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@plk I prepared the extras, so I can take care of it. Not till the weekend, though. @terida In the meantime can you devise some general rules where we should dispense with the dots after ordinals? In croatian.lbx I recall some use of alternative month strings. I can't remember the context, though. Again here you need to give us some rules for this; specific cases won't help much.

plk commented 10 years ago

Ok, great, @aboruvka, thanks.

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka @plk I think I solved both issues.

First, regarding the ordinals in biblatex. I'm not sure I was clear enough - the problem appeared only when printing the year (sometimes the year had an additional dot after it, which didn't happen when using the English or German language, but only when using Slovene (well, Croatian too). I resolved this in the following way (it might not be elegant, please change it if you see fit).

I declared \protected\def\mkbibordinalwithoutdot#1{\stripzeros{#1}}%, which is similar to the existing \protected\def\mkbibordinal#1{\stripzeros{#1}\adddot}% and used it only when printing the year:


I guess Croatian needs a similar fix.

The second issue of printing dates in the APA style was a bit more complicated. I copied the extras from German as their formatting of dates is very similar to ours and added the additional month names as was done in Croatian. I will post this new slovene-apa file as a comment in the biblatex-apa repo.

Could you then please include these changes in the slovene.lbx and slovene-apa.lbx files?

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka Do you agree with the suggested changes? Are you willing to incorporate them?

plk commented 10 years ago

Is this all done now? I'm not quite sure of the status.

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@plk No. I need to take a look at the date formatting, but likely won't find time to do this till April. @terida I know you proposed a solution, but can you still clarify when the date ordinals should suppress the dots? Above I see that (<year>.). should be (<year>). - are there other cases?

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka I reviewed how the current slovene.lbx shows the examples from my MiKTeX 2.9\doc\latex\biblatex\examples\ folder and the dots should be suppressed everywhere except the cases where the year should be followed by the dot.

To be more specific, I found the following problems using the numeric, alphabetic, authoryear and authortitle styles: (<date>.)., (<date>.),, (<date>.):, <year>. – <year>. and also , <date>.,. Note that <date> can either be the year or the date in the short format or the date in the long format. Also, if some text precedes the date (like the place or 'retrieved from'), the problem persists.

Using the authoryear style, I also get Immanuel Kant (1968.a). instead of Immanuel Kant (1968a).

In summary, there are a lot of cases where the dot needs to be suppressed and the solution I proposed seems to fix them all. I guess you have your reasons not to use it, that's OK, I hope this answer will be of assistance.

@plk Thanks for keeping an eye on this issue!

aboruvka commented 10 years ago

@terida I am not dismissing your solution. I just want to understand, in general terms, when the dot should be suppressed or (the other way around) when it should be printed.

terida commented 10 years ago

@aboruvka It's OK, I understand.

TomyMMX commented 10 years ago

There is still a problem when you have two authors. In the bibliography listing it is written with a comma before "in" (the Slovenian and). How can we remove that comma? It works as intended with three or more authors. This is with the biblatex-chicago package for Chicago manual of style citations.

TomyMMX commented 10 years ago

It is obviously a problem with the biblatex-chicago style. in their .bbx I found this line: \renewcommand*{\revsdnamedelim}{ \addcomma}

aboruvka commented 9 years ago

@TomyMMX Then contact the biblatex-chicago author.

akastrin commented 9 years ago

I suggest to replace andothers = {{in sodelavci}{in sod\adddot}} with andothers = {{in drugi}{idr\adddot}}. The official Slovenian psychological journal Horizons of Psychology use "idr" instead of "in sod.". Please correct me if I'm wrong.

terida commented 9 years ago

In my opinion, it is hard to decide which one should be used since they are equivalent and the final choice depends on the author's (or journal's) preferences. The book "Slovensko tehniško izrazje. Jezikovni priročnik" by Andrej Šmalc and Jakob Müller says:

Lahko pa navedemo samo prvi priimek, ki mu pripišemo in sod. (in sodelavci), ali idr. (in drugi) ali et al. (in drugi).

So there are actually three possibilities in Slovene. I would leave the first one.

akastrin commented 9 years ago

@terida I agree.