plk / biblatex

biblatex is a sophisticated bibliography system for LaTeX users. It has considerably more features than traditional bibtex and supports UTF-8
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citereset=<**> should be applied also on starred version #481

Closed maieul closed 7 years ago

maieul commented 7 years ago

See this MWE








The \section* does not reset the abreviation.

plk commented 7 years ago

Hmm, the obvious fix for this doesn't work because "section*" isn't handled nicely by \pretocmd it seems - I suspect this is why it was never implemented - perhaps you can have a look at \blx@refpatch@sect and see if you can work something out?

maieul commented 7 years ago
  \docsvlist{%       order does matter:
    \H@old@sectm@m,% memoir+hyperref (what a mess...)
    \M@sect,%        memoir
    \H@old@sect,%    hyperref
    \NR@sect,%       nameref
    \scr@sect,%      koma-script 3.x
    \@sect}%         latex

should become

  \docsvlist{%       order does matter:
    \H@old@sectm@m,% memoir+hyperref (what a mess...)
    \M@sect,%        memoir
    \H@old@sect,%    hyperref
    \NR@sect,%       nameref
    \scr@sect,%      koma-script 3.x
    \@startsection}%         latex



Should become

plk commented 7 years ago

Done in 3.7 dev version, thanks.