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biblatex is a sophisticated bibliography system for LaTeX users. It has considerably more features than traditional bibtex and supports UTF-8
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maxnames/minnames fails for long author lists #79

Closed lsfinn closed 11 years ago

lsfinn commented 11 years ago

The maxnames/minnames option appears to be failing for entries with long author lists.

At the end of this note is a two entry bibtex data file and a tex file that can be used to demonstrate the problem. If either of the two entries is cited by itself then maxnames and minnames perform as expected. If, however, both entries are cited, then maxnames appears to take on a large value and minnames appears to have no effect.

To demonstrate 1) copy the text into the indicated files (foo.tex, foo.bib). 2) Execute the command % pdflatex foo ; biber foo; pdflatex foo ; pddflatex foo Note that the file foo.pdf will show a single bibliography entry with the correct number of names (3) before et al. 3) In foo.tex uncomment the citation abbott:2004:ful 4) Execute the command % pdflatex foo ; biber foo; pdflatex foo ; pddflatex foo Note that the file foo.pdf will show two entries, each with a large number of names, but not all the names, before the list is truncated with et al.

I am working with biber version 1.5 and biblatex version 2.5, all installed via TeXLive and updated with TeXLive Utility.

driver foo.tex<<<<< \documentclass[11pt]{article}

\usepackage[% style=authoryear,% maxnames=5,% minnames=3,% backend=biber]{biblatex} \addbibresource{foo.bib} \begin{document}

\nocite{% %abbott:2004:ful,% abbott:2004:aof}% % \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \end{document}

bibtex entry file foo.bib<<<<<<

@Article{ abbott:2004:ful, author = "B. Abbott and R. Abbott and R. Adhikari and A. Ageev and B. Allen and R. Amin and S. B. Anderson and W. G. Anderson and M. Araya and H. Armandula and F. Asiri and P. Aufmuth and C. Aulbert and S. Babak and R. Balasubramanian and S. Ballmer and B. C. Barish and D. Barker and C. {Barker-Patton} and M. Barnes and B. Barr and M. A. Barton and K. Bayer and R. Beausoleil and K. Belczynski and R. Bennett and S. J. Berukoff and J. Betzwieser and B. Bhawal and I. A. Bilenko and G. Billingsley and E. Black and K. Blackburn and B. {Bland-Weaver} and B. Bochner and L. Bogue and R. Bork and S. Bose and P. R. Brady and V. B. Braginsky and J. E. Brau and D. A. Brown and S. Brozek and A. Bullington and A. Buonanno and R. Burgess and D. Busby and W. E. Butler and R. L. Byer and L. Cadonati and G. Cagnoli and J. B. Camp and C. A. Cantley and L. Cardenas and K. Carter and M. M. Casey and J. Castiglione and A. Chandler and J. Chapsky and P. Charlton and S. Chatterji and Y. Chen and V. Chickarmane and D. Chin and N. Christensen and D. Churches and C. Colacino and R. Coldwell and M. Coles and D. Cook and T. Corbitt and D. Coyne and J. D. Creighton and T. D. Creighton and D. R. Crooks and P. Csatorday and B. J. Cusack and C. Cutler and E. {D'Ambrosio} and K. Danzmann and R. Davies and E. Daw and D. Debra and T. Delker and R. Desalvo and S. Dhurandhar and M. {D{\'{\i}}az} and H. Ding and R. W. Drever and R. J. Dupuis and C. Ebeling and J. Edlund and P. Ehrens and E. J. Elliffe and T. Etzel and M. Evans and T. Evans and C. Fallnich and D. Farnham and M. M. Fejer and M. Fine and L. S. Finn and E. Flanagan and A. Freise and R. Frey and P. Fritschel and V. Frolov and M. Fyffe and K. S. Ganezer and J. A. Giaime and A. Gillespie and K. Goda and G. {Gonz{\'a}lez} and S. {Go{\ss}ler} and P. {Grandcl{\'e}ment} and A. Grant and C. Gray and A. M. Gretarsson and D. Grimmett and H. Grote and S. Grunewald and M. Guenther and E. Gustafson and R. Gustafson and W. O. Hamilton and M. Hammond and J. Hanson and C. Hardham and G. Harry and A. Hartunian and J. Heefner and Y. Hefetz and G. Heinzel and I. S. Heng and M. Hennessy and N. Hepler and A. Heptonstall and M. Heurs and M. Hewitson and N. Hindman and P. Hoang and J. Hough and M. Hrynevych and W. Hua and R. Ingley and M. Ito and Y. Itoh and A. Ivanov and O. Jennrich and W. W. Johnson and W. Johnston and L. Jones and D. Jungwirth and V. Kalogera and E. Katsavounidis and K. Kawabe and S. Kawamura and W. Kells and J. Kern and A. Khan and S. Killbourn and C. J. Killow and C. Kim and C. King and P. King and S. Klimenko and P. Kloevekorn and S. Koranda and K. K{\"o}tter and J. Kovalik and D. Kozak and B. Krishnan and M. Landry and J. Langdale and B. Lantz and R. Lawrence and A. Lazzarini and M. Lei and V. Leonhardt and I. Leonor and K. Libbrecht and P. Lindquist and S. Liu and J. Logan and M. Lormand and M. Lubinski and H. L{\"u}ck and T. T. Lyons and B. Machenschalk and M. Macinnis and M. Mageswaran and K. Mailand and W. Majid and M. Malec and F. Mann and A. Marin and S. {M{\'a}rka} and E. Maros and J. Mason and K. Mason and O. Matherny and L. Matone and N. Mavalvala and R. McCarthy and D. E. McClelland and M. McHugh and P. McNamara and G. Mendell and S. Meshkov and C. Messenger and V. P. Mitrofanov and G. Mitselmakher and R. Mittleman and O. Miyakawa and S. Miyoki and S. Mohanty and G. Moreno and K. Mossavi and B. Mours and G. Mueller and S. Mukherjee and J. Myers and S. Nagano and T. Nash and H. Naundorf and R. Nayak and G. Newton and F. Nocera and P. Nutzman and T. Olson and B. {O'Reilly} and D. J. Ottaway and A. Ottewill and D. Ouimette and H. Overmier and B. J. Owen and M. A. Papa and C. Parameswariah and V. Parameswariah and M. Pedraza and S. Penn and M. Pitkin and M. Plissi and M. Pratt and V. Quetschke and F. Raab and H. Radkins and R. Rahkola and M. Rakhmanov and S. R. Rao and D. Redding and M. W. Regehr and T. Regimbau and K. T. Reilly and K. Reithmaier and D. H. Reitze and S. Richman and R. Riesen and K. Riles and A. Rizzi and D. I. Robertson and N. A. Robertson and L. Robison and S. Roddy and J. Rollins and J. D. Romano and J. Romie and H. Rong and D. Rose and E. Rotthoff and S. Rowan and A. R{\"u}diger and P. Russell and K. Ryan and I. Salzman and G. H. Sanders and V. Sannibale and B. Sathyaprakash and P. R. Saulson and R. Savage and A. Sazonov and R. Schilling and K. Schlaufman and V. Schmidt and R. Schofield and M. Schrempel and B. F. Schutz and P. Schwinberg and S. M. Scott and A. C. Searle and B. Sears and S. Seel and A. S. Sengupta and C. A. Shapiro and P. Shawhan and D. H. Shoemaker and Q. Z. Shu and A. Sibley and X. Siemens and L. Sievers and D. Sigg and A. M. Sintes and K. Skeldon and J. R. Smith and M. Smith and M. R. Smith and P. Sneddon and R. Spero and G. Stapfer and K. A. Strain and D. Strom and A. Stuver and T. Summerscales and M. C. Sumner and P. J. Sutton and J. Sylvestre and A. Takamori and D. B. Tanner and H. Tariq and I. Taylor and R. Taylor and K. S. Thorne and M. Tibbits and S. Tilav and M. Tinto and K. V. Tokmakov and C. Torres and C. Torrie and S. Traeger and G. Traylor and W. Tyler and D. Ugolini and M. Vallisneri and M. {van Putten} and S. Vass and A. Vecchio and C. Vorvick and S. P. Vyachanin and L. Wallace and H. Walther and H. Ward and B. Ware and K. Watts and D. Webber and A. Weidner and U. Weiland and A. Weinstein and R. Weiss and H. Welling and L. Wen and S. Wen and J. T. Whelan and S. E. Whitcomb and B. F. Whiting and P. A. Willems and P. R. Williams and R. Williams and B. Willke and A. Wilson and B. J. Winjum and W. Winkler and S. Wise and A. G. Wiseman and G. Woan and R. Wooley and J. Worden and I. Yakushin and H. Yamamoto and S. Yoshida and I. Zawischa and L. Zhang and N. Zotov and M. Zucker and J. Zweizig", title = "First upper limits from {LIGO} on gravitational wave bursts", journal = "Physical Review D", volume = 69, number = 10, pages = "102001-+", year = 2004, month = may, collaboration = "{LIGO} Scientific Collaboration", adsnote = "Provided by the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System", adsurl = "" , date-added = "2010-09-10 12:35:51 -0400", date-modified = "2010-09-10 12:35:54 -0400", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.69.102001" }

@Article{ abbott:2004:aof, author = "Abbott, B. and Abbott, R. and Adhikari, R. and Ageev, A. and Allen, B. and Amin, R. and Anderson, S. B. and Anderson, W. G. and Araya, M. and Armandula, H. and Asiri, F. and Aufmuth, P. and Aulbert, C. and Babak, S. and Balasubramanian, R. and Ballmer, S. and Barish, B. C. and Barker, D. and Barker-Patton, C. and Barnes, M. and Barr, B. and Barton, M. A. and Bayer, K. and Beausoleil, R. and Belczynski, K. and Bennett, R. and Berukoff, S. J. and Betzwieser, J. and Bhawal, B. and Bilenko, I. A. and Billingsley, G. and Black, E. and Blackburn, K. and Bland-Weaver, B. and Bochner, B. and Bogue, L. and Bork, R. and Bose, S. and Brady, P. R. and Braginsky, V. B. and Brau, J. E. and Brown, D. A. and Brozek, S. and Bullington, A. and Buonanno, A. and Burgess, R. and Busby, D. and Butler, W. E. and Byer, R. L. and Cadonati, L. and Cagnoli, G. and Camp, J. B. and Cantley, C. A. and Cardenas, L. and Carter, K. and Casey, M. M. and Castiglione, J. and Chandler, A. and Chapsky, J. and Charlton, P. and Chatterji, S. and Chen, Y. and Chickarmane, V. and Chin, D. and Christensen, N. and Churches, D. and Colacino, C. and Coldwell, R. and Coles, M. and Cook, D. and Corbitt, T. and Coyne, D. and Creighton, J. D. E. and Creighton, T. D. and Crooks, D. R. M. and Csatorday, P. and Cusack, B. J. and Cutler, C. and D'Ambrosio, E. and Danzmann, K. and Davies, R. and Daw, E. and DeBra, D. and Delker, T. and DeSalvo, R. and Dhurandhar, S. and D{\'{\i}}az, M. and Ding, H. and Drever, R. W. P. and Dupuis, R. J. and Ebeling, C. and Edlund, J. and Ehrens, P. and Elliffe, E. J. and Etzel, T. and Evans, M. and Evans, T. and Fallnich, C. and Farnham, D. and Fejer, M. M. and Fine, M. and Finn, L. S. and Flanagan, {\'E}. and Freise, A. and Frey, R. and Fritschel, P. and Frolov, V. and Fyffe, M. and Ganezer, K. S. and Giaime, J. A. and Gillespie, A. and Goda, K. and Gonz{\'a}lez, G. and Go{\ss}ler, S. and Grandcl{\'e}ment, P. and Grant, A. and Gray, C. and Gretarsson, A. M. and Grimmett, D. and Grote, H. and Grunewald, S. and Guenther, M. and Gustafson, E. and Gustafson, R. and Hamilton, W. O. and Hammond, M. and Hanson, J. and Hardham, C. and Harry, G. and Hartunian, A. and Heefner, J. and Hefetz, Y. and Heinzel, G. and Heng, I. S. and Hennessy, M. and Hepler, N. and Heptonstall, A. and Heurs, M. and Hewitson, M. and Hindman, N. and Hoang, P. and Hough, J. and Hrynevych, M. and Hua, W. and Ingley, R. and Ito, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ivanov, A. and Jennrich, O. and Johnson, W. W. and Johnston, W. and Jones, L. and Jungwirth, D. and Kalogera, V. and Katsavounidis, E. and Kawabe, K. and Kawamura, S. and Kells, W. and Kern, J. and Khan, A. and Killbourn, S. and Killow, C. J. and Kim, C. and King, C. and King, P. and Klimenko, S. and Kloevekorn, P. and Koranda, S. and K{\"o}tter, K. and Kovalik, J. and Kozak, D. and Krishnan, B. and Landry, M. and Langdale, J. and Lantz, B. and Lawrence, R. and Lazzarini, A. and Lei, M. and Leonhardt, V. and Leonor, I. and Libbrecht, K. and Lindquist, P. and Liu, S. and Logan, J. and Lormand, M. and Lubinski, M. and L{\"u}ck, H. and Lyons, T. T. and Machenschalk, B. and MacInnis, M. and Mageswaran, M. and Mailand, K. and Majid, W. and Malec, M. and Mann, F. and Marin, A. and M{\'a}rka, S. and Maros, E. and Mason, J. and Mason, K. and Matherny, O. and Matone, L. and Mavalvala, N. and McCarthy, R. and McClelland, D. E. and McHugh, M. and McNamara, P. and Mendell, G. and Meshkov, S. and Messenger, C. and Mitrofanov, V. P. and Mitselmakher, G. and Mittleman, R. and Miyakawa, O. and Miyoki, S. and Mohanty, S. and Moreno, G. and Mossavi, K. and Mours, B. and Mueller, G. and Mukherjee, S. and Myers, J. and Nagano, S. and Nash, T. and Naundorf, H. and Nayak, R. and Newton, G. and Nocera, F. and Nutzman, P. and Olson, T. and O'Reilly, B. and Ottaway, D. J. and Ottewill, A. and Ouimette, D. and Overmier, H. and Owen, B. J. and Papa, M. A. and Parameswariah, C. and Parameswariah, V. and Pedraza, M. and Penn, S. and Pitkin, M. and Plissi, M. and Pratt, M. and Quetschke, V. and Raab, F. and Radkins, H. and Rahkola, R. and Rakhmanov, M. and Rao, S. R. and Redding, D. and Regehr, M. W. and Regimbau, T. and Reilly, K. T. and Reithmaier, K. and Reitze, D. H. and Richman, S. and Riesen, R. and Riles, K. and Rizzi, A. and Robertson, D. I. and Robertson, N. A. and Robison, L. and Roddy, S. and Rollins, J. and Romano, J. D. and Romie, J. and Rong, H. and Rose, D. and Rotthoff, E. and Rowan, S. and R{\"u}diger, A. and Russell, P. and Ryan, K. and Salzman, I. and Sanders, G. H. and Sannibale, V. and Sathyaprakash, B. and Saulson, P. R. and Savage, R. and Sazonov, A. and Schilling, R. and Schlaufman, K. and Schmidt, V. and Schofield, R. and Schrempel, M. and Schutz, B. F. and Schwinberg, P. and Scott, S. M. and Searle, A. C. and Sears, B. and Seel, S. and Sengupta, A. S. and Shapiro, C. A. and Shawhan, P. and Shoemaker, D. H. and Shu, Q. Z. and Sibley, A. and Siemens, X. and Sievers, L. and Sigg, D. and Sintes, A. M. and Skeldon, K. and Smith, J. R. and Smith, M. and Smith, M. R. and Sneddon, P. and Spero, R. and Stapfer, G. and Strain, K. A. and Strom, D. and Stuver, A. and Summerscales, T. and Sumner, M. C. and Sutton, P. J. and Sylvestre, J. and Takamori, A. and Tanner, D. B. and Tariq, H. and Taylor, I. and Taylor, R. and Thorne, K. S. and Tibbits, M. and Tilav, S. and Tinto, M. and Tokmakov, K. V. and Torres, C. and Torrie, C. and Traeger, S. and Traylor, G. and Tyler, W. and Ugolini, D. and Vallisneri, M. and van Putten, M. and Vass, S. and Vecchio, A. and Vorvick, C. and Vyachanin, S. P. and Wallace, L. and Walther, H. and Ward, H. and Ware, B. and Watts, K. and Webber, D. and Weidner, A. and Weiland, U. and Weinstein, A. and Weiss, R. and Welling, H. and Wen, L. and Wen, S. and Whelan, J. T. and Whitcomb, S. E. and Whiting, B. F. and Willems, P. A. and Williams, P. R. and Williams, R. and Willke, B. and Wilson, A. and Winjum, B. J. and Winkler, W. and Wise, S. and Wiseman, A. G. and Woan, G. and Wooley, R. and Worden, J. and Yakushin, I. and Yamamoto, H. and Yoshida, S. and Zawischa, I. and Zhang, L. and Zotov, N. and Zucker, M. and Zweizig, J.", title = "Analysis of first LIGO science data for stochastic gravitational waves", journal = "Phys. Rev. D", volume = 69, number = 12, pages = "122004", publisher = "American Physical Society", year = 2004, month = jun, collaboration = "LIGO Scientific Collaboration", numpages = "24", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.69.122004", abstract = "We present the analysis of between 50 and 100 h of coincident interferometric strain data used to search for and establish an upper limit on a stochastic background of gravitational radiation. These data come from the first LIGO science run, during which all three LIGO interferometers were operated over a 2-week period spanning August and September of 2002. The method of cross correlating the outputs of two interferometers is used for analysis. We describe in detail practical signal processing issues that arise when working with real data, and we establish an observational upper limit on a $f^{-3}$ power spectrum of gravitational waves. Our 90\% confidence limit is $\Omega0h{100}^2\leq23\pm-4.6$ in the frequency band 40-314 Hz, where $h_{100}$ is the Hubble constant in units of 100 km/sec/Mpc and $\Omega_0$ is the gravitational wave energy density per logarithmic frequency interval in units of the closure density. This limit is approximately $10^4$ times better than the previous, broadband direct limit using interferometric detectors, and nearly 3 times better than the best narrow-band bar detector limit. As LIGO and other worldwide detectors improve in sensitivity and attain their design goals, the analysis procedures described here should lead to stochastic background sensitivity levels of astrophysical interest." }

aboruvka commented 11 years ago

I followed your directions and can't reproduce your issue - I get correct truncation to three names after step 4. Moreover the following document shows correct minnames/maxnames truncation.

<your bib entries>
lsfinn commented 11 years ago


The example you provide shows correct name list truncation on my system as well; however, the one I provided in my report does not (on my system). Did you try that one on your system and did it work? If so, I will strike my tex installation and reinstall to see if something got messed-up on my system.



On Jan 31, 2013, at 3:16 PM, Audrey Boruvka wrote:

I can't reproduce your issue. The following document shows correct name list truncation.

\documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib}

\end{filecontents} \usepackage[backend=biber,maxnames=5,minnames=3]{biblatex} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} \begin{document} \nocite{abbott:2004:ful,abbott:2004:aof,almendro,herrmann,companion} \printbibliography \end{document} — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Lee Samuel Finn Professor, Dept Physics; Dept Astronomy & Astrophysics The Pennsylvania State University 104 Davey Laboratory University Park, PA 16802

aboruvka commented 11 years ago

Looks like I didn't test your document with authoryear. Even with that style, though, I believe the results are correct. By default uniquelist=true. So biber will perform name list disambiguation for you, overriding maxnames and minnames to ensure name list uniqueness. Consider setting uniquelist=false or use the shortauthor field for entries like these. Sorting with name lists this long is terribly slow so you should also use the sortname field.

lsfinn commented 11 years ago

On Jan 31, 2013, at 8:29 PM, Audrey Boruvka wrote:

Looks like I didn't test your document with authoryear. Even with that style, though, I believe the results are correct. By default uniquelist=true. So biber will perform name list disambiguation for you, overriding maxnames and minnames to ensure name list uniqueness. Consider setting uniquelist=false or use the shortauthor field for entries like these. Sorting with name lists this long is terribly slow so you should also use the sortname field.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Excellent! Your explanation and work-around are just what I needed! Thanks much for your help,


Lee Samuel Finn Professor, Dept Physics; Dept Astronomy & Astrophysics The Pennsylvania State University 104 Davey Laboratory University Park, PA 16802

aboruvka commented 11 years ago

No problem. Sorry for the confusion earlier.