pllua / pllua-deprecated

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Source code readability #27

Open mbalmer opened 8 years ago

mbalmer commented 8 years ago

I find the current source code formatting a bit hard on the eyes, it is very dense, which imo makes the code harder to read and thus harder to maintain.

In the luapgsql ( I use a convention called KNF ("Kernel Normal Form") that comes from the BSDs and which has the goal to make the code easily readable.

Would it make sense to adopt such a more readable formatting for PL/Lua as well? I am inclined to say yes, and I would volunteer to do the initial work, but only if other agree, of course.

eugwne commented 8 years ago


golgote commented 8 years ago


mbalmer commented 8 years ago

Ok, I will slowly start with this. Do you want to see pull requests or should I commit directly? I will more or less follow this style:, but I will take it as a collection of hints, not the law ;)

eugwne commented 8 years ago

I'm comfortable with both options.