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Home Assistant integration - Spa Client
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Feature: Messages from the Spa #32

Closed Rmh1978 closed 1 month ago

Rmh1978 commented 1 year ago

It would be really nice if there could be entity or attribute stating the messages from the Spa like when the Spa display says:

"Filter change"

plmilord commented 1 year ago

It's on my to-do list... Since there's some info on these posts, I think it'll be easy. I just need a little time to do it!

evertide commented 10 months ago

Thanks, Is there a way already to actually see the messages ( in debug)?

plmilord commented 10 months ago

No... I haven't implemented this yet, but it could be done quite easily...

Please refer to the glossary of what is currently known in the messages transmitted by the Balboa module:

I will come back with this in a future version to make the spa status messages known.

plmilord commented 1 month ago

Spa messages are now implemented in Spa Client v3.0. As stated previously, the implemented messages are those listed here. If you discover other codes, don't hesitate to share them with us!

Jieper001 commented 1 month ago

Just to show my huge gratitude for the work @plmilord is putting in. My 2y old spa's touch display is already dead and still enjoying the spa via this great integration. THANK YOU

evertide commented 1 month ago

Many thanks….