plocket / cfb-hacking-project-management

CfB members discussing how to better help project managers reduce chaos.
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DECISION: Don't blindly market CfB at other skill-based Meetups #6

Open plocket opened 4 years ago

plocket commented 4 years ago

PROPOSAL (rejected): Market CfB at other skill-based Meetups


Projects are having hard times finding members with the skills they need.


Market CFB at other (Project management, agile, etc.) meetups likely to have skilled volunteers needed by groups.

Proposal History


  1. Proposed and voted on, but through a thumb vote (not fist-to-five)
  2. Vote: 1 / 3 / 6 (for/neutral/against)
plocket commented 4 years ago

I'm actually really interested in a relationship with these groups, but not the one I heard described, and we didn't get to discuss this more. I voted either neutral or against, but it was only because of the way the action was proposed.

What I'm against is reaching out to these groups with a general call for participation. I think it would be harmful to our relationship with them. If there's no specific need for their skills, they'll come over and have no role and I believe people will then stop coming and be less likely to listen to another request for help.

What I'd prefer is some relationship with this other group where specific existing needs could be communicated when they come up. That would include a detailed description of the need -immediate development of a product vs. relationship building vs. whatever else.

I'd be very interested in that relationship.

thadk commented 4 years ago

I was a neutral vote and I kind of wish this had been a fist-to-five vote instead of a thumb vote. I would have given this a 4️⃣

plocket commented 4 years ago

@thadk : What reservations did you have and how might they be addressed?

thadk commented 4 years ago

I just didn't want to lead it necessarily.

plocket commented 4 years ago

@thadk : It might be worth revisiting the discussion, then. I thought the vote was about bringing it to the core team, not whether we ourselves would lead it. Shall we switch this back to 'Proposal' instead of 'Decision'?

plocket commented 4 years ago

See #29, Strategically market CfB at other skill-based Meetups.