ploeh / Hyprlinkr

A URI building helper library for ASP.NET Web API
MIT License
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Add async support to UrlHelperExtensions #29

Closed vgrigoriu closed 10 years ago

vgrigoriu commented 10 years ago

Just forward the call to GetUriAsync. Tests included.

ploeh commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your contribution!

Running the build-release script, it gives me this error:

"c:\Users\Mark\Documents\ploeh\Common\Hyprlinkr\BuildRelease.msbuild" (default target) (1) -> "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\ploeh\Common\Hyprlinkr\Hyprlinkr.sln" (default target) (2:3) -> "c:\Users\Mark\Documents\ploeh\Common\Hyprlinkr\Hyprlinkr\Hyprlinkr.csproj" (default target) (4:11) -> (CoreCompile target) -> UrlHelperExtensions.cs(94,33): error CS1591: Warning as Error: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Ploeh.Hyprlinkr.UrlHelperExtensions.GetLinkAsyn c<T,TResult>(System.Web.Http.Routing.UrlHelper, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<T,System.Threading.Tasks.Task>>)' [c:\Users\Mark\Documents\ploeh\ Common\Hyprlinkr\Hyprlinkr\Hyprlinkr.csproj]

I can fix this myself, but often, contributors want to address such small issues themselves. Please let me know how to proceed :)

vgrigoriu commented 10 years ago

Sorry about that. I added the comment. The tests still pass, but Build-Release.ps1 gives this error on my machine: E:\projects\github\Hyprlinkr\BuildRelease.msbuild(24,5): error : The xunit task requires either Assembly or Assemblies, but not both.

ploeh commented 10 years ago

Yes, I think it's a bug in the MSBuild task. It always does that on a clean build. If you run it again, it probably works...

ploeh commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your contribution! It's now live as Hyprlinkr 1.1.0.