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PLIP: Update Zope Dependencies #1351

Closed thet closed 5 years ago

thet commented 8 years ago

Proposer : Johannes Raggam

Seconder : Philip Bauer


This PLIP is about updating Plone's framework dependencies (ZCA, ZTK and Zope) to the latest possible versions.


Plone 5 still uses ages old ZTK dependencies and Zope2. While the ZTK dependencies are still actively developed and most of them already Python 3 compatible, the development for Zope 2 has nearly stopped. The successor of Zope2 is Zope 4. The major release version indicates that backwards incompatible refactoring has happened: long deprecated stuff was removed, some performance improvements and bugfixes were done, a few features were added. To be able to move forward with Plone, we have to modernize our framework dependencies. Also, this PLIP is a precondition for Python 3 compatibility.


PLIP configuration: Jenkins PLIP job:

The PLIP buildout configuration extends versions.cfg and sources.cfg from the Zope project. We added the option auto-checkout = * to check out all sources with mr.developer to get the very latest versions for each dependency. Only some test dependencies are installed as egg. For easier tracking, the eggs are installed in the plips/eggs folder.

We started to fix test failures and created branches and pull requests for all of our changes. Not everything is pull-requested yet. Many of the failures came from moved imports, removed functionality (e.g. no doctest suite any more in zope.testing, as we can use the stdlib for that) but also bugfixes in production code. E.g:

All fixes are made backwards compatible for our current set of dependencies.

At the Alpine City Sprint most of the failures could be fixed. There are only a few test failures left. Also, there are a lot of test isolation problems, but that's another story.

Two packages are not yet updated: Products.ZCatalog and ZODB 4. We still have to decide, if these packages are part of this PLIP. Updating them involves finding a solution for the "ZCatalog Regression: indexing None Values" problem:

We propose this PLIP for inclusion in Plone 6.


- [ ] Replace dependency on "Zope2" with "Zope". Eventually provide a Zope2 shim. - not necessary - Zope version 4.0 is still named Zope2.


Zope 4 is currently in alpha state, there is no release yet and development activity is - as with Zope2 - not very high. We need to show more responsibility for Zope 2 and related packages.


Python 3 compatibility is not part of the PLIP. A major showstopper for Python 3 compatibility is Products.RestrictedPython. @loechel worked on that during the Alpine City Sprint 2016, which resulted in this document: Also, ZODB 4 is a precondition for Python 3 compatibility.


Some experiments to install Plone 5 on Zope 4 started back in 2013: At the Plone conference 2015 I demoed a running installation of Plone 5 on Zope 4 with the package: and started to fix some failing tests. A major effort on working on this PLIP was done at the Alpine City Strategic Sprint 2016 in Innsbruck: Related to this PLIP: "WIP try ZODB3"

pbauer commented 8 years ago

\o/ tests are finally green:

There are some pull-request to be made for plone and zope-packages and at least one issue needs to be looked at (

The plip-job uses source-checkouts for everything but the following:

BTrees = 4.2.0
Babel = 1.3
Chameleon = 2.24
FormEncode = 1.3.0
Markdown = 2.6.5
Pillow = 3.1.0
Products.PDBDebugMode = 1.3.1
Products.PloneTestCase = 0.9.18
Products.SecureMailHost = 1.1.2
Products.SiteErrorLog = 2.13.2
Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.4
PyYAML = 3.11
Pygments = 2.0.2
RestrictedPython = 3.6.0
Unidecode = 0.4.1
WebOb = 1.4
ZConfig = 3.0.4
ZODB = 4.2.0
argh = 0.26.1
argparse = 1.3.0
coverage = 3.7.1
cssmin = 0.2.0
cssselect = 0.9.1
decorator = 4.0.6
docutils = 0.12
feedparser = 5.2.1
five.globalrequest = 1.0
future = 0.15.2
interlude = 1.3.1
lxml = 3.5.0
mailinglogger = 3.8.0
manuel = 1.8.0
mechanize = 0.2.5
mock = 1.0.1
mocker = 1.1.1
pathtools = 0.1.2
persistent = 4.1.1
plone.mocktestcase = 1.0b3
ply = 3.4
python_dateutil = 1.5
python_gettext = 3.0
python_openid = 2.2.5
pytz = 2015.7
robotframework = 2.8.7
robotframework_debuglibrary = 0.3
robotframework_ride = 1.3
robotframework_selenium2library = 1.7.4
robotsuite = 1.7.0
roman = 1.4.0
selenium = 2.46.0
setuptools = 19.6.2
simplejson = 3.8.1
six = 1.9.0
slimit = 0.8.1
sourcecodegen = 0.6.14
transaction = 1.4.4
unittest2 = 0.8.0
watchdog = 0.8.3
wsgi_intercept = 0.4
z3c.caching = 2.0a1
z3c.coverage = 2.0.3
z3c.objpath = 1.1 = 3.0.0a1
z3c.template = 2.0.0
z3c.zcmlhook = 1.0b1
zc.buildout = 2.5.0
zc.lockfile = 1.1.0
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3
zc.relation = 1.0
zc.sourcefactory = 0.7.0
zdaemon = 4.1.0
zodbpickle = 0.6.0 = 3.5.10 = 3.14.0 = 3.8.0 = 3.5.1 = 3.6.0 = 3.9.3 = 3.9.2 = 3.5.1 = 3.4.1 = 3.5.1 = 3.5.3 = 3.6.3 = 3.6.1 = 3.5.2 = 4.0.2 = 3.6.1 = 3.9.0 = 3.6.4 = 3.7.1 = 3.6.2 = 3.7.2 = 3.11.2 = 3.7.0 = 3.12.0 = 3.10.2 = 3.5.1 = 3.5.3 = 3.5.0 = 3.7.5 = 3.7.8 = 3.9.3 = 3.7.1 = 3.5.1
zope.broken = 3.6.0
zope.sequencesort = 4.0.1
zope.testbrowser = 3.11.1
zope.untrustedpython = 4.0.0
pbauer commented 8 years ago

FWIW: I just tested a current Plone5-based project of ours with the versions/checkouts of this PLIP and found no issue. Needs more review though.

mcdonc commented 8 years ago

FWIW, if you're going to refactor ZPublisher a bit, you might take a look at the (very aged, but does it matter?) repoze.zope2, which attempted to do just that:

I started to write Pyramid shortly after this, as I felt that I was never going to be able to factor the publisher sufficiently while maintaining bw compat, so I figured "nuke it from orbit and start over" ;)

thet commented 8 years ago

@pbauer :+1: :+1: most of the eggs listed above are only test dependencies.

@mcdonc tnx for the pointer! we will look at it. does repoze.zope2 use WebOb instead of Zope's Request/Response objects? That would be interesting too...

mcdonc commented 8 years ago

No it uses Zope request/response.

thet commented 8 years ago

Unmerged Pull Requests

Merged Pull Requests

pbauer commented 8 years ago

For now we need to skip the following tests since they fail using Zope4:

Also this pull adds some Zope 4 specific case handling, which should be reviewed again:

ebrehault commented 8 years ago

This PLIP is approved for Plone 6, see

hvelarde commented 8 years ago


thet commented 8 years ago



pbauer commented 8 years ago

I removed the Zope4-reference from the name of the PLIP since the version-bump will only add another fun layer of confusion that we struggled with since the release of the ill-named Zope3.

thet commented 8 years ago

The plip configuration file is still named plip-zope4.cfg. Maybe it's better to keep it as it is, since we would need to update the jenkins PLIP job too.

pbauer commented 8 years ago

Sure. That is way less visible than a PLIP-title.

hannosch commented 8 years ago

I just spend a bit of time on ZCatalog. I merged the commit lingering on the branch.

I also fixed the problem with zopefoundation/Products.ZCatalog#5 - by ignoring None values being indexed, rather than raising TypeErrors.

Both of these changes are in a ZCatalog 3.1.1 release. That release does depend on ZODB 4, so only use it if you want to do the ZODB 4 migration at the same time.

thet commented 8 years ago

Thanks @hannosch ! That clears the way for the important ZODB updates... Are there incompatibilities with ZODB 4? AFAIK the pickle support in Python 3 has changed, but ZODB still works transparent regarding to the pickle format and still supports Python 2 and 3.

hannosch commented 8 years ago

@thet sorry, got confused with Python 2 to 3 for a moment. IIRC ZODB 4 will need a manual migration when moving from an existing database created under Python 2 to code running under Python 3. But that should be the only one, and it's not relevant here, as Python 3 support is still a ways off.

gforcada commented 8 years ago

@thet @hannosch there is to convert ZODB databases to python 3

thet commented 8 years ago

@hannosch fine! although, hopefully Python 3 will get relevant for Plone soon :)

pbauer commented 8 years ago

What about ZODB 5? Did anyone review the changes that @jimfulton did and what they mean in the context of Plone? See Same goes for ZEO 5.

jimfulton commented 8 years ago

Note that ZODB 5 and ZEO 5 are still in alpha. ZODB 5 changes are mainly internal.

ZEO 5 is still evolving, but will provide some significant advantages, including SSL and prefetch.

I think it's a little early to worry about ZODB 5 and ZEO 5.

Also note that RelStorage is being actively developed again.

pbauer commented 8 years ago

@jimfulton thank for the info. It's great to see that there is so much active development going on!

hannosch commented 8 years ago

I fixed some circular dependencies between ZCatalog, SiteErrorLog and Zope, which required new coordinated releases of all of them to run their tests.

So you got a Zope2 4.0a1 release out on PyPi now. You can use the new minimal versions-prod.cfg file from the tag at or the versions.cfg file including some development tools.

And if you feel like it, even a pip installs works now, without relying on

virtualenv --python=python2.7 zope
cd zope
bin/pip install -r
bin/mkzopeinstance -d .

Start with either:

bin/runzope -C etc/zope.conf -X "debug-mode=on"


bin/runwsgi -v etc/zope.ini

The WSGI support is still not great, as it doesn't do exception handling, but leaves that to a WSGI middleware. If someone has actually deployed Zope2 under WSGI, please help out at zopefoundation/Zope#64.

hannosch commented 8 years ago

I've gotten most of the refactorings I wanted to do for Zope 4 done, most importantly the split between a WSGI-only Zope core and an optional new ZServer project, which has all the non-WSGI parts in it.

There's a new Zope2 4.0a2 release out, major changes are documented over at

I've probably screwed something up in all my work, so bug reports are appreciated. There are also probably new changes that have to be made at the CMF/PAS level in addition to the Plone level. A lot of the formerly required products like Sessions, TemporaryFolder, SiteAccess, VirtualHostMonster are now optional and no longer installed by default or their persistent objects set up automatically. Default functional test helpers from Testing/ZopeTestCase use the WSGI publisher, so there can be minor differences in the generated responses (e.g. a Date header is always present).

One other larger point of discussion is, whether or not Plone wants to continue using the ZServer based publisher or make the switch to WSGI. Switching means the instance configuration changes and all instance startup scripts change, since there's no longer a zopectl or zdaemon for the WSGI part, but those are limited to ZServer.

You probably want to start out by adding a new install_requires for ZServer, but I'm guessing even than some buildout recipes like zope2instance might need to be adjusted or new ways of configuring and running Plone need to be discussed.

The Zope default configuration uses the waitress WSGI server (same as Pyramid) as it is basically a cleaned up rewrite of ZServer and still based on asyncore. But Plone could decide to use a different WSGI server like gunicorn by default.

Going the WSGI route also means there's no longer support for webdav, FTP and xmlrpc, but on the plus side views can actually implement their own logic to handle HEAD or PUT requests.

Another rough corner is exception handling, as standard_error_message and the exceptionhook are no longer there in WSGI. Instead the Zope 4 WSGI publisher brings back support for exception views to influence how error responses get constructed.

tomgross commented 8 years ago

At least for webdav there is a middleware:

jimfulton commented 8 years ago

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 6:46 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote: ...

One other larger point of discussion is, whether or not Plone wants to continue using the ZServer based publisher or make the switch to WSGI. Switching means the instance configuration changes and all instance startup scripts change, since there's no longer a zopectl or zdaemon for the WSGI part, but those are limited to ZServer.

I'm confused by the seeming assertion that zdaemon and ZServer are somehow linked. (Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.) zdaemon is completely independent and easily used with a variety applications. It's my go-to tool for deploying daemons. (I prefer it to supervisord, because having a daemon per service makes componentization of the automation of service deployment simpler.) I've even used it to run docker containers. :)


Going the WSGI route also means there's no longer support for webdav, FTP and xmlrpc, but on the plus side views can actually implement their own logic to handle HEAD or PUT requests.

FWIW, I view the inclusion of FTP support in ZServer as an over generalization on my part. Sorry. If FTP support is desired (probably not ;) ), I would write a back end to a Python FTP server. (We did this many years ago at ZC for SFTP support.)

WebDAV and XMLRPC should be easy enough to provide in an WSGI context, although I think they've both been overtaken by Rest (which has the distinct benefit of not having an actual protocol that has to followed. ;) ).


Jim Fulton

jimfulton commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all your work on this!!!

(I should have started my earlier response with that. :) )


On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 6:46 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

I've gotten most of the refactorings I wanted to do for Zope 4 done, most importantly the split between a WSGI-only Zope core and an optional new ZServer project, which has all the non-WSGI parts in it.

There's a new Zope2 4.0a2 release out, major changes are documented over at

I've probably screwed something up in all my work, so bug reports are appreciated. There are also probably new changes that have to be made at the CMF/PAS level in addition to the Plone level. A lot of the formerly required products like Sessions, TemporaryFolder, SiteAccess, VirtualHostMonster are now optional and no longer installed by default or their persistent objects set up automatically. Default functional test helpers from Testing/ZopeTestCase use the WSGI publisher, so there can be minor differences in the generated responses (e.g. a Date header is always present).

One other larger point of discussion is, whether or not Plone wants to continue using the ZServer based publisher or make the switch to WSGI. Switching means the instance configuration changes and all instance startup scripts change, since there's no longer a zopectl or zdaemon for the WSGI part, but those are limited to ZServer. You probably want to start out by adding a new install_requires for ZServer, but I'm guessing even than some buildout recipes like zope2instance might need to be adjusted or new ways of configuring and running Plone need to be discussed. The Zope default configuration uses the waitress WSGI server (same as Pyramid) as it is basically a cleaned up rewrite of ZServer and still based on asyncore. But Plone could decide to use a different WSGI server like gunicorn by default. Going the WSGI route also means there's no longer support for webdav, FTP and xmlrpc, but on the plus side views can actually implement their own logic to handle HEAD or PUT requests. Another rough corner is exception handling, as standard_error_message and the exceptionhook are no longer there in WSGI. Instead the Zope 4 WSGI publisher brings back support for exception views to influence how error responses get constructed.

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Jim Fulton

hannosch commented 8 years ago

I'm confused by the seeming assertion that zdaemon and ZServer are somehow linked. (Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.)

My bad, what I'm calling ZServer here is not just "ZServer the package", but the new ZServer project I made, which includes the old ZServer package and a whole bunch of other stuff, including Zope instance creation logic, zope.conf parsing, zopectl support incl. it's zdaemon based start/stop/restart handling, the non-WSGI ZPublisher.Publish module, testing support for all of those and other packages like webdav, Lifetime and Signals.

It's maybe a bad name, since it ended up being a dumping ground for anything that wasn't necessary to run a WSGI based Zope instance - so it's more like OldZope (tm) :)

Especially the startup, configuration and testing code tie these pieces together, so I went with a single project for all of it, rather than trying to divide it up further.

WebDAV and XMLRPC should be easy enough to provide in an WSGI context, although I think they've both been overtaken by Rest (which has the distinct benefit of not having an actual protocol that has to followed. ;)

Indeed. My main goal was to make it possible to run Zope without all of these extra protocols, so applications like Plone can decide what they want to use. And hopefully porting to Python 3 becomes easier with fewer I/O boundaries to take care of.

Rudd-O commented 7 years ago

Breaks my heart to see Zope abandon WebDAV. Yes, I know it can still be gotten with ZServer... but, as time passes by and modules don't feel the need to support WebDAV anymore, less and less of what's Zope and Plone will work correctly via WebDAV, even with ZServer.

pbauer commented 7 years ago

The start of a upgrade-guide is here:

In there we collect everything that need to be documented and move it to their respective places after it looks complete.

pbauer commented 7 years ago

After much work was done during and after the Apline City Sprint ( the tests for this PLIP are now green ( Remaining tasks will be defined and worked on at PLOG and at the the Zope 2 Resurrection Sprint (

pbauer commented 7 years ago

Zope 4.0b1 has been released after the great work everyone did at the sprint in Halle last week! 🎉

I would love to get this PLIP into a state where we can be productively work on it during the conference-sprint.

One main issue at the moment is that our branch plonezope4 of Zope ( needs to be separated into pull-requests. @MrTango started working on this at the last sprint but it would be more productive if the authors of the relevant changes @thet, @davisagli, @mauritsvanrees, @MatthewWilkes, @MrTango had a look at their changes and created pull requests if they are still valid. There are only 13 commits of which some are already obsolete and I guess it is doable.

I'll buy nice and cold 🍺 for each of you once these commits are resolved.

Today I did some merging, cleanup and rebased most branches related to this PLIP. I also changed the PLIP-config to no longer checkout all packages but use released packages wherever possible. That saves a lot of time when running the buildout.

And now we can also look at the many new and exciting test-failures in 😉

pbauer commented 6 years ago

I put in some more work and fixed a good couple of things. Among the exciting new issues: Zope now uses new style classes, most tools from CMFCore are now utilities and brains cannot acquire the REQUEST.

Many of the remaining issues are related to (anyone???) and

pbauer commented 6 years ago

I fixed the issues with PlonePAS (ugly but working for now:

Now I see a lot of testbrowser-failures, many of which come from CSRF-protection where we get the confirm-action view instead of the expected URL. One rather simple such test is test_rename_form_cancel from It passes for AT but fails for DX.

Can anyone give me hint about how to prevent that (except adding _authenticator to all the old tests)?

mauritsvanrees commented 6 years ago

plone.protect has a suggestion, see the paragraph 'Fixing CSRF Protection failures in tests' on PyPI:

from plone.protect.authenticator import createToken
self.request = self.layer['request']
self.request.form['_authenticator'] = createToken()
# and maybe this:
self.request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'

That would require a change for each failing test, though hopefully in a shared setUp method this might solve several failures at once.

An alternative might be to set PLONE_CSRF_DISABLED=true in the environment of the OS. You could try that out first: export PLONE_CSRF_DISABLED=true; bin/test -s some.package and see if that helps. If it does, then you can unset the variable again, and temporarily set it in some tests with a contextmanager.

Possibly, such a contextmanager could be added to plone.protect or plone.testing or so the code is shared.

pbauer commented 6 years ago

@mauritsvanrees I'm aware of these options but to lazy to to that. What I wonder is which change might be responsible for these issues appearing now and if we can work around it there. It did not happen 5 month ago when we had all test green (with source-checouts of zope.testbrowser and plone.testing).

hannosch commented 6 years ago

@pbauer I'd check if the code in is still working as expected. Publication events are now emitted at a different place in the WSGI publisher. It should be more correct and fixes other issues. But maybe that's caused an issue for the transformchain code or something specific for testbrowser tests.

pbauer commented 6 years ago

All branches in here are merged. Thanks so much to everyone helped working on it!. We have still 5 failing tests left in the new 5.2-branch of the coredev, that we will fix in the next couple of days. What remains to be done is to:

jensens commented 5 years ago

I think except documentation this can be seen as done. Documentation has its own ticket #1940 So, I close this!