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Remove moment.js from plone bundle #2973

Closed agitator closed 2 years ago

agitator commented 4 years ago

Responsible Persons

Proposer: Peter Holzer @agitator Seconder: Johannes Raggam @thet


Remove moment.js and use toLocalizedTime again.


While moment.js looked like an easy solution to display nicely formatted dates in Plone, it added a lot of KBs (~150 with all locales and ~60 with lazy loading of locales) to the anonymous bundle.

Also while displaying dates in a more spoken way "last modified a few seconds ago" looked pretty, it wasn't very useful.

Bloating the plone-bundle with this library doesn't seem very reasonable when in terms of page loading speed....


While working on to allow a more flexible and optimized loading of bundles, we checked how often pat-moment is used in a default Plone. Turns out it's only used for for anon users and in as in for editors. Portlets for example use toLocalizedTime anyway.

Proposal & Implementation

Proposal ist to replace pat-moment with toLocalizeTime again an make moment.js an optional/inactive bundle by default.

I'd like to see this change in Plone 5.2 but probably is too big of a change for a minor release.


Already separated moment.js into it's own bundle, allowing to be or not loaded depending on the usecase.


Some addons could rely on moment.js to display dates. Therefore the addons should ideally load the bundle on request or add it to the default or logged-in bundle.


Proposer: Peter Holzer @agitator Seconder: Johannes Raggam @thet

davilima6 commented 4 years ago

I think moment has served us well and agree it's now bloat we should get rid of, specially after the new APIs in Intl.

I think however humanized date/time formatting is very central to a CMS user experience and should definitely stay. Portlets should be fixed to display humanized dates consistently with bylines in the same page, while we provide a toggle in @@dateandtime-controlpanel (we can then add a behaviour to control this per content type). Good news is Opera, FF and Chrome are caught up on standards and implement Intl.RelativeTimeFormat:

So I'd suggest as requirement for this PLIP to maintain feature parity with existing places where humanized datetimes are used (btw I noticed pat-moment is also used in menu viewlet). Non-supporting browsers like IE, Edge or Safari could fall back to non-humanized localized dates.

To implement that maybe it would ease integrators lives, and our tests, to build a Pattern with simplified API around Intl.

davilima6 commented 4 years ago

Considering MS browsers are widely used by corporations which are a Plone focus, e.g. intranets, we may adopt a polyfill for non-supporting browsers:

Or, less ideally, a lighter specialized library like humanize-duration as fallback.

tkimnguyen commented 4 years ago

Moment-formatted dates look nice and are useful at times, but very unhelpful at other times when you need to know the exact date or time of (say) a document was modified. At the very least, a per-user and per-site option for enabling/disabling it is needed.

davilima6 commented 4 years ago

I agree completely. The way other sites (Github, Facebook, Twitter) deal with this is by adding a title which you can hover, also for screen readers and general machine understanding we should wrap the humanized string in a <time> element:

<time datetime="2018-01-03T08:45:23Z" title="3 Jan 2018, 09:45 CET">2 years ago</time>

We don't do this so it sounds like a good opportunity to review it.

ebrehault commented 4 years ago

@agitator the FWT approved this PLIP

agitator commented 4 years ago

@ebrehault Nice, I think we'll discuss the details at the Alpine City Sprint

thet commented 4 years ago

Alternatives and alternative approaches to MomentJS:

jensens commented 2 years ago

Old one, but is this obsolete with Plone 6 ES6 branch?

thet commented 2 years ago

The moment js bundle is removed in Plone 6. moment.js is currently still a dependency of Patternslib and might be removed in the near- to mid future but it doesn't hurt us anymore as with the async loading mechanism we do not have this big payload anymore. See:

So moment.js handling in Patternslib is fine.

I'm closing this ticket.