plone / Products.CMFPlone

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Configuration registry edit form fails for images in Bytes field (logo) #3215

Closed mauritsvanrees closed 1 year ago

mauritsvanrees commented 3 years ago


This is split off from my comment on site logo migration. But for clarity I make this an issue with a fresh Plone Site.

What I did:

What I expect to happen:

Logo is shown.

What actually happened:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/Chameleon-3.8.1-py3.8.egg/chameleon/", line 192, in render
    self._render(stream, econtext, rcontext)
  File "/Users/maurits/community/plone-coredev/py3/var/cache/", line 118, in render
    __cache_4573067728 = _static_4567212624('provider', 'plone.portalheader', econtext=econtext)(_static_4567212432(econtext, __zt_tmp))
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/zope.contentprovider-4.2.1-py3.8.egg/zope/contentprovider/", line 76, in __call__
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/zope.viewlet-4.2.1-py3.8.egg/zope/viewlet/", line 155, in update
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/zope.viewlet-4.2.1-py3.8.egg/zope/viewlet/", line 161, in _updateViewlets
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/", line 227, in update
    self.img_src = getSiteLogo()
  File "/Users/maurits/community/plone-coredev/py3/src/Products.CMFPlone/Products/CMFPlone/", line 776, in getSiteLogo
    filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
  File "/Users/maurits/shared-eggs/cp38/plone.formwidget.namedfile-2.1.0-py3.8.egg/plone/formwidget/namedfile/", line 77, in b64decode_file
    filename, data = value.split(b';')
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

I have also seen "not enough values to unpack". I am not sure if the difference is for using Python 2 instead, or because I uploaded an SVG then.

Searching for the site logo again in the config registry I see a value starting with PNG IHDR ' e@4 sRGB... or for SVG: filenameb64:....

What version of Plone/ Addons I am using:

Coredev 5.2, Python 2.7 or 3.8.

Alternative steps to take:

The traceback suggests this should be fixed in plone.formwidget.namedfile, but maybe the error is elsewhere in the stack.

jensens commented 1 year ago

is this still an issue in Plone 6?

mauritsvanrees commented 1 year ago

No issue anymore. Checked on Plone 6, and on 5.2 in both Py 2 and 3.