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Release checklist Plone 6.1.0a1 #3894

Closed mauritsvanrees closed 5 months ago

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

See the release schedule.

Release packages, update versions

Release notes, constraints,

Final release, Docker


You probably want to wait until the Docker images are there, but don't wait long.

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

I want to create a first alpha of Plone 6.1 next week. @tisto @petschki @thet @erral Could you make releases for your packages please?

In the alpha/beta/rc stage of Plone 6.0 I did not do "pending" releases for people to test for a few days. I want to do the same for 6.1: no pending release, but immediately an alpha/beta/rc.

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

@sneridagh Which Volto version should I advertise in the release notes for Plone 6.1.0a1? 17.11.2 or 18.0.0-alpha.7? (I will check what the latest tag is before creating the release notes.)

I would be inclined to say latest 17. We can always switch to 18 later in the release cycle, if it seems likely that there will be a final Volto 18 release before 6.1.0 is final. I am hoping for a final 6.1 release in March, maybe April. Always a bit hard to predict.

erral commented 5 months ago

@mauritsvanrees I haven't checked the main branches lately. I will do a coredev pull and check whether there are a lot of message changes and thus if we deserve a new branch in

sneridagh commented 5 months ago

@mauritsvanrees We said that it would be latest stable whenever the release happens. So, let's use latest stable (17.11.2), if when the final release happens there's a 18 final, then let's go with that.

petschki commented 5 months ago

I've released

plone.staticresources==2.2.0a4 plonetheme.barceloneta==3.2.0a3 @plone/plonetheme-barceloneta-base==3.2.0-alpha.3

and updated coredev version files. There will also be a mosaic release this week for the 6.1-ecosystem.

erral commented 5 months ago

@mauritsvanrees I haven't checked the main branches lately. I will do a coredev pull and check whether there are a lot of message changes and thus if we deserve a new branch in

I have downloaded the coredev for 6.1, run the i18n extraction script and I have just seen 4 or 5 additions in CMFEditions' po files which are also added in 6.0. So I am not going to create a new branch in for the moment. If we see in the future that is needed, we will do it then.

erral commented 5 months ago

Released = 6.0.19

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

I have made releases for plone.restapi, and plone.volto.

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

I have released 6.1.0a1:

Waiting for Docker images before announcing it more widely.

mauritsvanrees commented 5 months ago

Docker image for the backend is not ready yet, but I don't want to wait longer, so I officially announced it: